Tag Archives: technology
Zoom Meetings In German Posted by Constanze on Feb 3, 2021

Guten Tag! I hope you are all well, and have had a great start to 2021. We are nearing March, which will, unbelievably, mark one year since the start of the Coronavirus Pandemie (pandemic) lockdown here in the UK. We have discussed the more serious matters regarding the pandemic throughout the year on this blog…
The Curiosity of the Word “Handy” Posted by Sten on Apr 19, 2018

Last weekend, we looked at the word USB-Stick, a so-called Scheinanglizismus (pseudo-anglicism), an English-looking word, that actually has no, or not the same, meaning in the English language. I thought it would be fun to dive a little deeper into these Scheinanglizismen. Today, we look at the German word Handy. Handy? Yes. Handy. Previous installments of Curious Words The Curiosity…
The Curiosity of the Word “USB-Stick” Posted by Sten on Apr 14, 2018

You know the words “flash drive”, “pen drive”, “thumb drive” – but “USB-Stick”? No, that is not a way to refer to the little, helpful memory – at least not in English. But in… German? How did such an English-sounding word make it in the German language, even though it is not related to the English…
German Vocabulary for Technology Posted by Larissa on Nov 15, 2016
Hello and welcome to another post! I wasn’t able to write a post a couple of weeks ago as my laptop was broken, which gave me the idea to write this post about technology. Here is a list of important vocabulary and useful sentences when speaking about technology. Der Fernseher the TV Das Handy …
Germany-Specific Emojis Posted by Constanze on Dec 23, 2015
Guten Tag! Last month I came across an article about how Finland are set to release country-specific emojis for use on smartphones. They are, in fact, the first country in the world to launch their own emoji sticker set! The set has been gradually rolled out advent calendar-style, and tomorrow (December 24th – the Finnish…