Tag Archives: translation
The Types of Insurance you need in Germany Posted by Larissa on Apr 24, 2018

If you’re thinking about moving to Germany then this a helpful post to let you know what kind of insurance you need for day to day life. It’s also good to learn some new vocabulary about the different types of Versicherungen! Sozialversicherung – Social Insurance This insurance is actually made up of five different insurances…
11 German Pick Up Lines Posted by Larissa on Aug 15, 2017

This post is incase you ever find yourself in Germany (or you happen to meet a German) and want to start flirting with them. I’ve made a list of various German pick up lines – some are quite normal, and others are overly kitschig (cheesy)! I’ve started the list with “normal” Anmachsprüche (pick up lines)…
German Vocabulary for Spring Posted by Larissa on May 2, 2017

Spring has sprung! Last week it snowed in Munich, but this week the weather is warmer and sunnier. I love Frühling (Spring): the trees start to blossom, the birds start to chirp and the sun rises earlier in the morning! Here’s a simple vocabulary post to get you in the mood for the season. der…
Christmas Vocabulary in German Posted by Larissa on Dec 6, 2016
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… which is why I’ve decided to write a post with useful vocabulary you need to know when talking about Christmas! I’ve included links to other Christmassy posts which you’ll find further down. Weihnachten Christmas der Heiligabend …
Untranslatable German Words: Der Pantoffelheld Posted by Constanze on Nov 23, 2016
Guten Tag! Today it’s time for another untranslatable word, in which I share some of the quirkiest, coolest words the German language has to offer – and try (usually fail) to find an identical English version! This time it’s a funny one: Today’s word is der Pantoffelheld. What does der Pantoffelheld mean? Pantoffelheld is used…
How to say goodbye in German Posted by Larissa on Oct 4, 2016
Last week I finished my Ausbildung (education) to become a fitness instructor and had to say goodbye to my classmates that I’ve spent almost every day with for the past three years! We had an Abschiedsfeier (leaving party) and after having to say goodbye to everyone it inspired me to write a post about the…
Countries in German Posted by Larissa on Aug 19, 2016
I’ve always found it very interesting that countries have different names in every language! I’ve made a list of translations where some are very similar to how you would say them in English and others more obscure. At the bottom I’ve also written how you would use the countries in a sentence – take a…