German Language Blog

Tag Archives: Weißwurst

The Germans on the Germans: North & South Posted by on Nov 27, 2019

Hallo! Every country has names for people from different regions within that country. In this post we will look at what people from northern Germany call people from southern Germany, and vice-versa (for a post on east and west Germany, click here!). *Please note: The point of learning about these words is not to encourage anybody…

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Breakfast The Bavarian Way Posted by on Nov 8, 2017

Guten Tag! The topic of today is Frühstück (breakfast), but with a twist. I’d like to share some information about the traditional Bavarian breakfast with you. A traditional Bavarian breakfast consists of the following: Die Weißwurst Literally ‘white sausage’, this is a sausage made from minced veal and pork bacon, seasoned with parsley, ginger, onions…

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How to eat a Weißwurst? Posted by on Sep 28, 2015

The Weißwurst (veal sausage) is a Bavarian specialty, most notably the Munich Weißwurst. Eating it seems to be a science on its own. Fortunately, you won’t make a fool of yourself when choosing one of these methods: peeling, scraping, or sucking. Clinking glasses and beer drinking people who sway, sing along, and dance to party…

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