I’ve been quite interested in graffiti as of late. I like the way words are used in it, and I like the political, cultural meanings these words take on in their public settings. But I also just like the power of language that is contained in these scribbles.
I thought that showing you some German graffiti would be a great way to present the German language in a way you might not have seen it before, but in a way that is just as relevant and fascinating as it is everywhere else. Here it is used in its raw form, and in an urban setting – yet it is still extremely clever, as the German language generally is. Often, as in English graffiti, there are heavily political and anti-government messages contained within it. I will be coming back to that in more detail later on, but for now here are a few examples of some ‘urban German’ in use!

Photo: samchills on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Fordert nicht Arbeit & Brot, sondern Freizeit & Kuchen!
Don’t demand work & bread, but free time & cake!

Photo by 66944824@N05 on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Heute war damals Zukunft
Today was the future then

Photo: 66944824@N05 on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Freheit stirbt mit Sicherheit
Freedom dies with security

Photo: materialboy on flickr.com under CC BY-SA 2.0
Nazis raus
Nazis out

PhotoL ssatta on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Sowas macht mich glücklich
Something like this makes me happy

Photo: picksfromoutthere on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Wenn ich nur reden könnte
If only I could speak

Photo: streetcleaner on flickr.com under CC BY-SA 2.0
Dieses Graffiti ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar
This graffiti is not available in your country

Photo: streetartpassau on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Dein Fernseher lügt!
Your TV lies!

Photo: 66944824@N05 on flickr.com under CC BY 2.0
Keine Macht für niemand
No power for no one

Photo: sbl on flickr.com under CC BY-SA 2.0
her mit dem schönen Leben
Bring me the good life
Germany is a country with a very strong street art/graffiti scene, and one that is heavily linked to its history and politics – especially in Berlin. I will be writing more about Germany’s street art scene in a future post, so if you liked this one then stay tuned for more German graffiti!
Bis bald
Constanze x
Allan Mahnke:
Somewhere in our house there is a book published quite a few years ago (20 or more) of German university graffiti. It’s a wonderfully funny and occasionally extremely witty collection. In the US the situation is similar. Often the best reading on any university campus is on the restroom walls.
@Allan Mahnke I would love to see that book!
Joseph T. Madawela:
Have more German graffiti!
Mirko von Berner:
Great post. Thanks.
Right away I am going away to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming over again to read further news.
@unknown Great!!!