Archive for October, 2016
Justice vocabulary in Greek Posted by Ourania on Oct 31, 2016
In Greek mythology Themis (Θέμις) represented the goddess of justice and was respected by gods and humans. Her symbols were the blindfold, the balance and the sword. The Greek trial courts are civil (αστικά) or criminal (ποινικά). There are also administrative courts (διοικητικά δικαστήρια) and courts that have specific powers, such as military courts…
Greek vocabulary about memory Posted by Ourania on Oct 26, 2016
On October 28 we celebrate the Oxi Day ( Επέτειος του Όχι). Events to honor the war heroes are held everywhere in Greece. The topic of this entry is a list of words and phrases related to memory. Note that some of the English words derive from Greek! θυμάμαι: to remember θυμίζω: to remind Η…
Greek Quiz: Past tenses Posted by Ourania on Oct 19, 2016
Γεια σας! Time to refresh your grammar! In this post you will find a quiz on the past tenses: Παρατατικός (Past Continuous), Αόριστος (Past Simple), Υπερσυντέλικος (Past Perfect). Καλή τύχη! 1. Όταν η Μαριάνα …….. ο Σταύρος ……… α. διάβαζε / μαγείρευε β. διάβασε / μαγείρεψε 2. Κάθε φορά που με …….. μού …….. χρήματα…
Greek Children’s songs Posted by Ourania on Oct 9, 2016
Γεια σας! In this post there are five children’s songs with their lyrics. They are very old and if you have a Greek γιαγιά (grandmother) or παππού (grandfather) who lived in Greece when they were toddlers, they are likely to remember at least one of them. Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό φέγγε μου να…