Archive for June, 2018
Uses of the Greek verb “to hit” Posted by Ourania on Jun 20, 2018
One of the most common verbs is the verb χτυπάω (to hit). It is used in many contexts and has various meanings. #Example 1: to hit a person Μαμά! ο Γιάννης με χτύπησε! Mom! Yannis hit me! #Example 2: to hit (one’s head, arm etc.) Ο Θάνος σκόνταψε στο τραπέζι και χτύπησε το πόδι…
Some aspects of the Greek culture Posted by Ourania on Jun 15, 2018
Sometimes our habits are a mystery to the others. I always get questions such as: “why do Greek parents let their adult children stay in their house for free?” or “why do people who invite me to dinner give me food to take home?” Although cultural differences are hard to explain, they are always nice…
Use of Greek: to pass Posted by Ourania on Jun 6, 2018
Verbs give people a hard time but not only because of their grammatical characteristics. In Greek, as in many languages, a verb has more than one significations and can be used in different contexts. In this post, there are some sentences with the verb περνάω,which means “to pass”. It is one of the most common…