Archive for December, 2018
Greek words: expensive, punctual,exactly Posted by Ourania on Dec 26, 2018
Γεια σας!If you are on holidays and have free time to study Greek, this post is for you: today, I have some information about the words ακριβός, ακριβώς and ακριβής which give students a hard time. However, explanation is not enough, so it would be good to try to put them in sentences and ask…
Vocabulary about the Christmas in Greece Posted by Ourania on Dec 20, 2018
Christmas is coming! In this post there is vocabulary about the activities related to Christmas. Καλά Χριστούγεννα! #1.λέω / τραγουδώ τα κάλαντα: to sing the Christmas carol. Τα παιδιά έβγαλαν διακόσια ευρώ τραγουδώντας τα κάλαντα. / The children made 200 euros by singing the carol. In the 24th of December the children go to…
Greek quiz: how to sound more polite Posted by Ourania on Dec 16, 2018
Γεια σας! It has been a long time since we had a quiz, so in this post there is a quiz on the use of the politeness form. In Greek, we use the second plural person of the verb to address people we don’t know or someone older than us . We can also use…
Greek books: the ideal Christmas present Posted by Ourania on Dec 7, 2018
Γεια σας! If you have a friend who learns Greek, Christmas is the right moment to offer them a nice present and what would be better than a book? If you are not sure about the right Greek book, this post is for you! #1. If your friend likes detective fiction, the books by…