Γεια σας! If you are tired of “mainstream” Greek and would like a break, this post is for you: nine Greek slang expressions with examples of their use. Which one is your favorite? Feel free to leave a comment!

By jonnson under a CC license on Flickr
#1 Τα ‘παιξα / τα ‘χω παίξει
Παίζω means to play. Τα ‘παιξα means I’m tired.
“Πού είσαι ρε Τάσο;” “Άσε, δουλεύω όλη μέρα.Τα ‘χω παίξει“.
“What’s up Taso?” “I’ve been working all day. I’m beat.”
#2 Έσκασα μύτη
Έσκασα is the Past Simple (Αόριστος) of σκάω which means to blow up.
E.g. Έσκασα το μπαλόνι. / I blew up the balloon. It also means to loom. Το φεγγάρι σκάει πίσω από το βουνό. / The moon is looming behind the mountain.
Μύτη means nose. Σκάω μύτη means to appear.
Η κυρία Μαίρη έκασε μύτη στην παραλία με βραδινό φόρεμα.
Mrs Mary appeared at the beach in an evening dress.
#3 Τα σπάει
Σπάω means to break. E.g. Έσπασα ένα ποτήρι. It can be also used to mean that something is amazing.
Ο καινούργιος καθηγητής τα σπάει. The new teacher is amazing.
#4 Καμένος
It means burned. it refers to someone whose brain has been damaged from drug abuse. It is used to describe someone whose behavior deviates from what is considered normal for no apparent reason.
Ο καινούργιος χημικός είναι τελείως καμένος. Εκεί που έγραφε μία άσκηση στον πίνακα άρχισε να τραγουδάει.
The new chemistry teacher is completely burned. While he was writing an exercise on the blackboard he started to sing.
#5 Θεός, θεά
It means god, goddess. It can be also used to mean amazing or gorgeous.
– Ποια είναι αυτή; Who is this?
– Η ξαδέρφη της Ελένης. Θεά, ε;” Elenis’ cousin. She gorgeous, isn’t see?
#6 πας καλά;
Literally it means are you going well? It is used to mean are you out of your mind?
Τρως μηλόπιτα με φέτα; Πας καλά; Are you eating apple pie with cheese? Are you out of your mind?
#7 Tο ‘χω
It means I have it. We use it when we are very good at something.
– Κατάλαβες τι πρέπει να κάνεις; Do you understand what you have to do?
– Εντάξει, το’χω. OK, I have it.
#8 Δεν υπάρχει
Literally it means it doesn’t exist. It is also used to mean amazing or perfect.
– Πήγαμε στο σπίτι της Νίνας.We went at Nina’s house.
– Πώς είναι;How is it?
– Δεν υπάρχει!It’s amazing!
#9 Δεν την παλεύω
Παλεύω means to struggle. This expression is used when we are in a very difficult situation.
– Πώς είναι στην καινούργια σου δουλειά;How do you like your new work?
– Άστα, δεν την παλεύω.

By zissispap under a CC license on Flickr
Great. Slang changes way faster than regular speech but I like to have these expressions.
@Λετίσια Thank you, Leticia! Use them carefully