Archive by Author
Survival Greek: bathroom vocabulary Posted by Ourania on Jun 15, 2021
Γεια σας! Το καλοκαίρι είναι εδώ! The summer is here and some of you have already planned a trip to Greece. This is a survival Greek post related to bathroom vocabulary. There is also a list of phrases that you can use if you visit a small place where people don’t speak English. If you…
Greek vocabulary: common adjectives Posted by Ourania on Jun 4, 2021
Γεια σας! Greek learners always notice that some Greek words are very long. This is because we use many compound words. This post is about common compound adjectives and you can find more here and here. #1. Adjectives with φρέσκος: fresh Φρεσκοψημένος-η-ο (φρέσκος + ψήνω: to bake): freshly baked. Σηκωθείτε, παιδιά! Έφερα φρεσκοψημένα κρουασάν…
Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on May 28, 2021
Γεια σας! In a previous post we had seen some filler words in Greek. Today we will see common phrases we use in daily conversations which are not easily translated in English. #1. πάλι καλά: fortunately, it’s a good thing Examples: Πάλι καλά που πρόλαβα το τελευταίο λεωφορείο. Δεν είχα λεφτά για ταξί./ It’s a…
Traditional Greek desserts Posted by Ourania on May 17, 2021
Γεια σας! If you like sweets, this post is for you. The Greeks love sweets, generally speaking, and although we are as not famous for our ζαχαροπλαστική (confectionery), if you are a foodie with an avid appetite for sweets, they you will not disappoint you. There is a pastry shop in every neighborhood and nowadays…
Express feelings in Greek (Part Two) Posted by Ourania on May 13, 2021
Γεια σας! In this post we will see expressions about anger and surprise. If you want to learn more expressions about feelings, check part one. How to express anger #1. There are many words and phrases which mean to be angry. Είμαι νευριασμένος-η είμαι θυμωμένος-η-ο έχω τα νεύρα μου θυμώνω τσαντίζομαι (informal) είμαι τσαντισμένος-η-ο…
News from Greece: Greek Easter Posted by Ourania on Apr 30, 2021
Γεια σας και καλό Πάσχα! On Sunday the Greeks celebrate Easter. The government has imposed rules in order to avoid the spread of COVID. There is a curfew (απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας) from 22:00 to 5:00. We can relocate after sending a text message to 13033 stating the code 6 and our name and address. A group…
Greek vocabulary: Gardening Posted by Ourania on Apr 14, 2021
Γεια σας! Spring is in the air and this post is for those who like gardening (κηπουρική). There are words about tools, plants, verbs and some examples. There will be a post about flowers next month! Enjoy! Εργαλεία / Εξοπλισμός – Tools / Equipment ποτιστήρι (το): watering can λάστιχο (το): hose γάντια (τα): gloves φτυάρι…