Greek Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

An Intro to Greek Manners Posted by on Oct 26, 2017

When living in a foreign country one of the most challenging things is to behave like the locals. In this post, there are some examples on the Greek social conduct. 1. When we are invited to dinner we never go on empty hands. We bring wine or sweets. If the person is a good friend…

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Time to experience a Greek fair! Posted by on Aug 2, 2017

Το πανυγήρι (fair) is an event strongly associated with the Greek culture. Fairs are organized in honor of a Saint and take place during the evening at the central square of the village or at the churchyard. Sometimes, they last up to three days. In a fair, one can buy cheap items for the house…

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Common Greek compound nouns Posted by on Jul 12, 2017

The Greek compound words are used very frequently. In an older post there was a list of compound verbs. In this post, there are two lists of words composed by the nouns σπίτι (house) and άνθρωπος (man) and another noun or adjective. σπίτι κουκλόσπιτο [κούκλα (doll) + σπίτι]: dollhouse Η Νεφέλη πήρε για τα γενέθλιά…

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Souvlaki time: place your order! Posted by on May 31, 2017

Souvlaki (σουβλάκι) is a generic name for the most famous Greek street food. It could be pieces of pork or chicken cooked on sticks (καλαμάκι χοιρινό, καλαμάκι κοτόπουλο)  or on vertical spits (γύρος) and eaten with grilled bread or wrapped in a flat bread called pita (πίτα).   Traditionally, a pita can be filled with pork…

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A quiz on Greek customs Posted by on Dec 28, 2016

If you have spent New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day you must be familiar with the most common Greek customs. Do the following quiz to test your knowledge, or to learn new things. Ερώτηση 1 In New Year’s Day, people eat a sweet pie which is called: α) Καρυδόπιτα β) Βασιλόπιτα γ) Μελόπιτα δ)…

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9 Examples of Greek slang Posted by on Dec 12, 2016

Γεια σας! If you are tired of “mainstream” Greek and would like a break, this post is for you: nine Greek slang expressions with examples of their use. Which one is your favorite? Feel free to leave a comment! #1 Τα ‘παιξα / τα ‘χω παίξει Παίζω means to play. Τα ‘παιξα means I’m tired. Example…

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Listening comprehension in Greek Posted by on Nov 30, 2016

After the war, many Greeks left their country to seek for a better life. Nowadays, the effects of the economic crisis have forced many unemployed young people to immigrate again.In this post, there is a link to a documentary from the Greek show Έρευνα on Mega channel. Watch the video and listen to the story…

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