Archive for 'Pronunciation'
Celebrate Greek Easter with two recipes Posted by Ourania on Apr 16, 2020
Γεια σας! Σήμερα είναι Μεγάλη Πέμπτη (Holy Thursday) και την Κυριακή είναι το Πάσχα (Easter). In Greece, today we make τσουρέκι (Easter bread), κουλουράκια (cookies) and κόκκινα αυγά (we dye boiled eggs red). I would like to share two videos with you, in case you want to make your own τσουρέκι and κουλουράκια. Λέξεις…
Understanding colloquial Greek Posted by Ourania on Sep 30, 2019
Do you find it hard to understand the Greeks when they speak, even though your Greek is good? This happens because they speak fast and also because they do not always pronounce the words and phrases as they write them. In this post, we will see how the Greeks speak when they interact in an…
Greek tongue twisters Posted by Ourania on May 2, 2018
Γεια σας! Do you like tongue twisters? Did you use to play this game when you were kid? If so, this post, which was a suggestion of one of the readers of this blog, is for you: there is a list of nine Greek tongue twisters and two audio files to help you practice. Some…
Two phone conversations in Greek Posted by Ourania on Oct 17, 2017
Γεια σας! In this post there are two phone conversations. Number 1 is about ordering pizza and number 2 is about making a doctor appointment. The dialogues are translated directly, because it is important to see the structure of the sentences in oral speech. You will find the recordings are at the end of each…
Read a short story in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jul 17, 2017
Sometimes, it is difficult to find recorded Greek short stories translated in English. In this post, there is a short story I have written and recorded. Each phrase is translated in English. The language and the plot are very simple, so the story can be also read by beginners. If you like reading in original…
Greek diphthongs: pronunciation Posted by Ourania on Jul 5, 2017
Some learners find it difficult to pronounce the Greek diphthongs. In this post, there are examples on the pronunciation of the diphthongs ει, οι and αι. They are pronounced as one sound unless the first letter is stressed or if there are two dots or one stress and two dots over the second vowel. ει…
Be careful with the Greek sun! Posted by Ourania on Jun 16, 2017
In June, the temperature is very high in Athens. Now, it is 30° C / 86° F. If you are not used in such high temperatures, it would be good to take some precautions against the sun. In this post, there is a video for children and a listening comprehension activity. Watch the video to…