News from Greece: election of the President of the Republic Posted by Ourania on Jan 22, 2020 in Grammar, News, Vocabulary
Today is an important day for Greece because it is the first time that a woman is elected as President of the Republic (Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας).The new President is Αικατερίνη Σακελλαροπούλου (Ekaterini Sakelaropoulou), former president of the Council of State (Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας).
If you read newspapers in Greek, you are likely to find vocabulary related to politics. In this post there are words that appeared today on newspaper articles.
εξελέγη: from verb εκλέγομαι which means to be elected. In Greece, the President of the Republic is elected by the deputies (βουλευτές). The new President got 261 votes out of 300.
ψηφοφορία (η): voting
πλειοψηφία (η): majority
θεσμικός-ή-ό: institutional
κύρος (το): qualifications and reputation
αρμοδιότητα (η): domain
ρυθμιστικός-η-ο: regulatory
πολίτευμα (το): regime
συναίνεση (η): consent
αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση (η): loyal opposition
καταδεικνύω: to prove, to establish
παρέστησαν (from παρίσταμαι): were present
παρών-ούσα-όν: present
καθήκον (το): duty
σύνταγμα (το): constitution
Χάρτης Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου (ο): Charter of the Fundamental Rights
Ευρωπαϊκή Σύμβαση Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου (η): European Convention on Human Rights
μείζον ζήτημα (το): major issue
παράγοντας (ο): factor
προϋπόθεση (η): condition
ακεραιότητα (η): integrity
παραγνωρίζω: underestimate
ανισότητα (η): inequality
αποκλεισμός (ο): exclusion
εμπέδωση (η): consolidation
And some grammar:
Remember the declension of the feminine nouns ending in -ος
Ενικός αριθμός (singular)
ονομαστική: η πρόεδρος
γενική: της προέδρου
αιτιατική: την πρόεδρο
κλητικη: πρόεδρε
Πληθυντικός αριθμός (plural)
ονομαστική: οι πρόεδροι
γενική: των προέδρων
αιτιατική: τις προέδρους
κλητική: πρόεδροι
The duties of the President of the Republic are symbolic, regulatory, legislative, administrative and judicial and are listed in the Constitution. Τhe president has the right to be re-elected only once. After the restoration of democracy in 1974, there are nine Presidents elected.

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