Tag Archives: examples
Seven colloquial expressions in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jul 18, 2018
In our conversations we use short phrases which cannot be translated.Even advanced students can find them confusing if they don’t practice conversational Greek. In this post, there are seven common colloquial expressions put in context. #1. Αν+verb+λέει Α: Μαγειρεύεις κάθε μέρα;/ Do you cook everyday? Β: Αν μαγειρεύω λέει; Τουλάχιστον τρία φαγητά τη μέρα./…
Use of Greek: yet, already, still, since, for Posted by Ourania on Mar 15, 2018
Γεια σας! This post is about the Greek words for already, for, since, just, yet and still. Read the following examples to see the different use of these words. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! Example 1 ήδη and κιόλας can be used to mean already.Κιόλας is colloquial and more…
Native language interference in learning Greek Posted by Ourania on Mar 30, 2017
When we speak a foreign language, it is not unusual to translate directly from our native language. In this post, there are examples of phrases translated from English and the correct way of saying the same thing in Greek. The correct sentences are translated literally from Greek to English. I drove to work: Οδήγησα στη…
10 Most Popular Greek Posts of 2015 Posted by Ourania on Dec 16, 2015
December will end soon so it’s time for a Top of 2015! The posts 9 and 8 are written by dareios, the former blogger. 10. Love talks A list of words and expressions related to love. Don’t be afraid to use them, just make sure you mean them! 9. Greek superstitions Do you want your Greek…