The Greek pronoun no one Posted by Ourania on May 26, 2018 in Grammar
Sometimes, the students are puzzled by the use of the indefinite pronoun κανένας, καμία, κανένα (no one). In this post, there are examples of how it is used it in a sentence.
When used in negative sentences, it means no one.
See the declension here: kanenas
Τhe pronoun κανένας has genders and cases. It can be used in statements, questions and negative clauses.
#1.Negative clauses
The negative particle δεν is always used.
#α. Είναι αγενείς για αυτό δεν τους συμπαθεί κανείς.
They are rude that’s why nobody likes them.
#β. Μην πας στον Ηλία, δεν θα βρεις κανέναν στο σπίτι. Σήμερα δουλεύουν όλοι μέχρι αργά.
Don’t go at Elia’s, nobody’s there (lit. you will find no one at home). Today, they all work until late.
#γ.”Εσύ εστειλες την κάρτα;” “Όχι, εγώ δεν έστειλα καμία κάρτα!”
“Did you send the card?” “No, I didn’t send any card!”
#δ. Η Νάντια είναι στενοχωρημένη γιατί καμία φίλη της δεν ήρθε στο πάρτι της.
Nadia is sad because none of her friends came to her party.
#ε.”Ο σκύλος σας γαβγίζει όλη μέρα!” “Μα τι λέτε; Εμείς δεν έχουμε κανένα ζώο στο σπίτι μας!”
“Your dog barks all day!” “What you’re talking about? We have no animals at home!”
#2.When used in questions it means a or any
#α. Μήπως είδατε κανένα μπλε βιβλίο; Εδώ το είχα αφήσει…(We can also ask “μήπως είδατε ένα μπλε βιβλίο;”)
Have you seen a (any) blue book? I had left it here…
#β. Μήπως ξέρετε κανέναν καλό καρδιολόγο;
Do you know a (any) good cardiologist?
#3.When used in an affirmative case, it means any or anyone
#α. Αν έχεις καμιά ερώτηση, πες μου.
If you have any questions, let me know.
#β. Αν σε ρωτήσει κανείς τι κάνεις εκεί, πες ότι ψάχνεις την Ειρήνη.
If anyone asks you what you’re doing there, tell them that you are looking for Irini.
Note the translation of the following sentences:
#1. Καμιά φορά πηγαίνω για φαγητό στην ταβέρνα που είναι στην πλατεία.
Sometimes I go for dinner (lit. for food) to the taverna which is at the square.
#2. The phrase “does this… belong to anyone?” is translated as “αυτό το… ανήκει σε κανέναν;” However, the verb ανήκω is formal. In everyday language we use the genitive case of the pronoun.
E.g. Does this umbrella belongs to anyone of you? Αυτή η ομπρέλα είναι κανενός από σας;
#3. Δεν ξέρω κανέναν κύριο Δεληπέτρου, λυπάμαι.
I don’t know anyone by the name “Delipetrou”, I’m sorry.

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Thank you for your interest, Tristan. I’m glad you like Greek and Greece!
@Ourania Hello!
I believe you mean Akrotiri in Santorini. You might find some interesting information here:
I’m afraid I cannot write a post about it because, as I am not an archaeologist, I will have to copy the information I find on the Internet and this is unethical and illegal.
Besides, providing resources by writing on the comments area is not something I can do often because it is extra work for which I am not paid. This blog is not mine, I work for Transparent Language.
I hope you enjoy the information on the links. Thanks again for your interest!