Hebrew Language Blog

Archive for June, 2018

5 Cool Stores in Tel-Aviv Posted by on Jun 18, 2018

There are many things to do in Tel-Aviv, shopping included. I selected 5 stores (plus 3 bonus stores) to enrich your next shopping experience in Tel-Aviv. Enjoy! Hapolanya The common stereotype of the Jewish mother and wife known in Israel (where most mothers are Jewish but originate from diverse ethnic groups) is the Polish mother. A Polish…

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Hebrew Vocabulary to Help You Enjoy National Book Week Posted by on Jun 4, 2018

Every June, Israel celebrates its National Hebrew Book Week. For the last 92 years, for one week at the beginning of the summer, the whole country is a big book fair: stalls in every corner, large discounts, public readings and get-togethers with authors. Let’s use this occasion to delve into some literature vocabulary. Book (masculine)…

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