Hindi Language Blog

Poems in Hindi – Gulabi Chodiyan Posted by on Jan 28, 2012 in Hindi Language

Let me present you a very lovely poem in Hindi. I think, poems are very powerful tool to express one’s feeling, be it’s sweet or bitter. Fortunately, in Hindi literature, we have so many great poets who had and still influencing the masses.

I have translated this poem for you to read, understand and know, how Hindi poems look like and how to read and comprehend them.

गुलाबी चूड़ियाँ  (Gulabi Chodiyan – Red Bangles) by Nagarjun

प्राइवेट बस का ड्राइवर है तो क्या हुआ,
सात साल की बच्ची का पिता तो है!

He is driver in private bus company, so what?
He is a father of 7 year old girl!

सामने गियर से उपर
हुक से लटका रक्खी हैं

In front, just above the gears,
(he) have them (hanged)

काँच की चार चूड़ियाँ गुलाबी
बस की रफ़्तार के मुताबिक

Four red glass bangles
as per the speed of bus

हिलती रहती हैं…
झुककर मैंने पूछ लिया

(they) keep moving…
I’ve leaned and asked

खा गया मानो झटका
अधेड़ उम्र का मुच्छड़ रोबीला चेहरा

like (he) got shocked
beard adorned fearful face of a middle aged (man)

आहिस्ते से बोला: हाँ साहब
लाख कहता हूँ नहीं मानती मुनिया

(he) said silently : Yes, sir
I have said a thousand times but my girl doesn’t listen

टाँगे हुए है कई दिनों से
अपनी अमानत

Hanging (these) since many days
Her deposit

यहाँ अब्बा की नज़रों के सामने
मैं भी सोचता हूँ

Here, in front of her father’s view
I (driver) also think

क्या बिगाड़ती हैं चूड़ियाँ
किस ज़ुर्म पे हटा दूँ इनको यहाँ से?

Do these bangles any harm
On what crime, I must remove them from here?

और ड्राइवर ने एक नज़र मुझे देखा
और मैंने एक नज़र उसे देखा

And, the driver looked at me once.
and, I looked at him back.

छलक रहा था दूधिया वात्सल्य बड़ी-बड़ी आँखों में
तरलता हावी थी सीधे-साधे प्रश्न पर

Spilling the (his) affection in his big eyes
Fluidity (teary eyes) was heavy on such a simple question

और अब वे निगाहें फिर से हो गईं सड़क की ओर
और मैंने झुककर कहा –

And, those eyes (his) went back to the road
And, I leaned and said,

हाँ भाई, मैं भी पिता हूँ
वो तो बस यूँ ही पूछ लिया आपसे

Yes brother/mister, I am also a father
I have just asked you (just in curiosity)

वर्ना किसे नहीं भाएँगी?
नन्हीं कलाइयों की गुलाबी चूड़ियाँ!

Otherwise, who won’t like them?
these little red bangles! (from the little wrists)

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About the Author: Nitin Kumar

Nitin Kumar is a native Hindi speaker from New Delhi, India. His education qualification include Masters in Robotics and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is working in the Research and Development in Robotics in Germany. He is avid language learner with varied level of proficiency in English, German, Spanish, and Japanese. He wish to learn French one day. His passion for languages motivated him to share his mother tongue, Hindi, and culture and traditions associated with its speakers. He has been working with Transparent Language since 2010 and has written over 430 blogs on various topics on Hindi language and India, its culture and traditions. He is also the Administrator for Hindi Facebook page which has a community of over 330,000 members.


  1. Dr Pramod Kumar:

    आपका चिट्ठा बहुत पसंद आया और फिर हिन्दी में है इसलिए उसकी मिठास बढ़ गई। खूब लिखिए। शुभकामनायें… …कभी समय मिले तो मेरा चिट्ठा http://swasth-swaasthya.blogspot.com/ खोल के देखिये, पता नहीं किसी के काम ही आ जाए।