Hindi Language Blog

Archive for 'Hindi Language'

Top Five Books To Learn Hindi Posted by on Jul 30, 2021

I studied Hindi in school from 2nd grade to the 10th grade. We had to take a public Hindi assessment मूल्यांकन as well as pass our teacher’s exams परीक्षा in order to graduate from high school. In addition के अतिरिक्त to studying Hindi in my Catholic run English school, my parents hired a tutor शिक्षक…

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Devanagari or English Hindi? Posted by on Jul 30, 2021

Thought clouds

I recently had to evaluate मूल्यांकन करना a written sample in Hindi. When I opened up the document दस्तावेज़, it was Hindi alright but written in English. How was I to score it? Well, I scored it on grammar व्याकरण but could not on writing. Sounds odd अजीब doesn’t it? This is not the…

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Hindi, English and Hindutva Posted by on Jul 14, 2021

Did you know that it was a Christian missionary प्रचारक, William Carey, who innovated the Hindi language with technology in India? He created printing मुद्रण fonts and the Hindi bible, the first prose work in print in India. The contribution योगदान of Christian missionaries like Carey are the most underreported stories in the history of…

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Fiji Indians – Fiji Hindi Baat Posted by on May 31, 2021

The Language and Dialects The Girmitiya brought the language भाषा and culture संस्कृति of their villages to Fiji.  They spoke the dialects बोलियों and languages of their state but the majority spoke Hindi which is an Indo-Aryan language. This language differed from Fijian which is an Austronesian language. Fiji Hindi Baat Fiji Hindi is also…

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Fiji Indians – Girmit and Girmitiyas Posted by on May 31, 2021

Island with huts

History of the Fiji Indians  In the 18th century 18 वीं शताब्दी the British were busy dominating पर हावी the world, making colonies and, bringing with them, their brand ब्रांड of tea चाय, sugar चीनी, and the English language भाषा.   The demand मांग for sugar was increasing worldwide दुनिया भर and the ability to cultivate विकसित…

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What is the Bundeli Dialect? Posted by on May 26, 2021

Photo by Parv Choudhary from Pexels

Movies and Dialects I recently watchedदेखा a delightful Hindi Bollywood movieचलचित्र on Netflix. The movie, Motichoor Chaknachoor, was filmed फिल्माया गया था in the city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. My current favorite वर्तमान पसंदीदा Bollywood actor, Nawazuddin Siddiqui was the main actor मुख्य अभिनेता, in this comedy. Nawazuddin is a character actor चरित्र अभिनेता who…

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The Rise of Hindi in Mumbai Posted by on May 17, 2021

Autorickshaw - Salaam Bombay

Mumbai is one of India’s most diverse विविध cities. People from linguistically भाषाई रूप से separated states converge अभिसरित होना on Mumbai to work and live. They bring लाना their language, culture, and unique अद्वितीय flavor to this great city. This convergence leads जाता to colorful speech भाषण with sentences a mix of Hindi, Urdu…

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