Archive for 'Hinglish'
5 Authentic Hindi Teaching Sources Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Aug 26, 2021

I learned Hindi the old fashioned way पुराने ज़माने का. In a classroom in India by a teacher who taught us using a blackboard and nothing else और कुछ नहीं. We took the notes down diligently however once we left the classroom we did not remember a thing in real life वास्तविक जीवन we had…
The Rise of Hindi in Mumbai Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on May 17, 2021

Mumbai is one of India’s most diverse विविध cities. People from linguistically भाषाई रूप से separated states converge अभिसरित होना on Mumbai to work and live. They bring लाना their language, culture, and unique अद्वितीय flavor to this great city. This convergence leads जाता to colorful speech भाषण with sentences a mix of Hindi, Urdu…
Social Media Influencers And Code Switching Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Apr 11, 2021

In our last blog post, we mentioned the Tapori language spoken by the lower classes of Mumbai. In this blog, we will turn our attention to a sophisticated form of Hindi spoken by the upper classes. It is a mixture of English and Hindi. Social media influencers have taken लिया है to YouTube in droves…