Hindi Language Blog

Declension of Noun – II Posted by on Aug 31, 2011 in Hindi Language

In continuing our previous topic on declension of noun, today I will show you how to convert the gender and number of Hindi’s noun as well as details with examples of cases in Hindi  etc.

New readers can refer to previous post on the topic.

Given the importance and easy assimilation of this topic , I have decided to make another post with more details and examples.  It will be posted next week so you would have plenty of time to practice over this topic.

 1. लिंग  – Gender


पुल्लिंग संज्ञा से स्त्रीलिंग संज्ञा – Masculine  Noun to Feminine Noun

Adding “आ” suffix to masculine noun to make in feminine.

Masculine Feminine
बाल (Boy)
बाला (Girl)
प्रिय (Mas. Dear)
प्रिया (Fem. Dear)
वृद्ध (Old Man)
वृद्धा (Old Woman)

Adding “ई”  suffix to masculine noun to make in feminine.

देव (God)
देवी (Goddess)
 घोडा (Mas. Horse)
घोड़ी (Fem. Horse)
बेटा (Son)
बेटी (Daughter)

Adding “इया”  suffix to masculine noun to make in feminine. 

बूढ़ा (Old man)
बुढ़िया (Old Woman)
कुत्ता (Dog)
कुतिया (Bitch)
 बन्दर (Monkey)
बंदरिया (Fem. Monkey)

Adding “नी”   suffix to masculine noun to make it feminine. 

मोर (Mas. Peacock)
मोरनी (Fem. Peacock)
मास्टर (Mas. Teacher)
मास्टरनी (Fem. Teacher)
शेर (Lion)
शेरनी (Lioness)

2. वचन  – Number


एकवचन से बहुवचन  – Change of Numbers (Singular to Plural)

a. Changing from “आ” to ” ए ” 

एकवचन (Singular)
बहुवचन (Plural)
कमरा (Room)
कमरे (Rooms)
लड़का (Boy)
लड़के (Boys)
बच्चा (Child)
बच्चे (Children)

b. Changing “अ” to ” एँ ”

एकवचन (Singular)
बहुवचन (Plural)
तलवार (Sword)
तलवारे (Swords)
सड़क (Road)
सड़के (Roads)
 मेज (Table)
मेजे (Tables)

c. Changing ” ई ”  to ” इयाँ ”

एकवचन (Singular)
बहुवचन (Plural)
लड़की (Girl)
लडकियाँ (Girls)
नारी (Woman)
नारियाँ (Women)
गुडिया (Doll)
गुड़ियाँ (Dolls)

d. Adding “याँ” suffix to singular noun

एकवचन (Singular)
बहुवचन (Plural)
लिपि (Script)
लिपियाँ (Scripts)
नीति (Policy)
नीतियाँ (Policies)
तिथि (Date)
तिथियाँ (Dates)

3. कारक – Karak  – Cases


Details & Examples of Hindi Cases 

a. कर्ता कारक – Karta Karak – Nominative Case :
From whom (“कौन” – kon) the action is done  does the action

1. मोहन ने पुस्तक लिखी. Mohan has written a book.
2. राम चला गया. Ram has gone.

b. करण कारक – Karan Karak – Instrument Case :
Tell us what “क्या” and to whom or to what “किसे”
1. गोपाल ने सोहन को सिखाया. Gopal taught Sohan.
2. मैं पुस्तक लिख रहा हूँ. I am writing a book.

c. अपादान कारक – Apaadan Karak – Ablative Case :
Tell us with what “किस से”
1. मैं कलम से किताब लिख रहा हूँ.  I am writing a book with a pen.
2. मुझे यह बात समाचार से पता चली. I heard about it from the News.

d. सम्बन्ध कारक – Samband Karak – Possessive Case :
Tell us to whom “को”  and for whom “के लिए”, an action has been done.
1. माँ ने बच्चो को फल दिए. Mother has given fruits to the children.
2. माँ ने परिवार के लिए खाना बनाया. Mother has cooked for the family.

e. कर्म कारक – Karm Karak – Objective Case :
Tell us from where “से”, or origin
1. पेड़ से पते गिरते हैं. Leaves fall from a tree.
2. श्याम घर से चला गया. Shyam has went from home.

f. संप्रदान कारक – Sanpradan Karak – Dative Case :
Tell us in what “में” and on what ” पर”
1.घर में लोग हैं. People are in the house.
2. पलग पर बच्चे लेटे हैं. Children are laying on the bed.

g. अधिकरण कारक – Adhikaran Karak – Locative Case :
Tell us the relation as whose का, के, की/रा, रे, री (his, her etc)
1. वो महिला विकास की पत्नी है. That woman is Vikas wife.
2. मेरा साला और तुम्हारी बहन पति पत्नी हैं. My brother-in-law and your sister-in-law are husband and wife.

h. संबोधन कारक – Sanbodhan Karak – Vocative Case :
Tell us surprise, anger etc हे, अरे, ओ
1. अरे राकेश! इधर आओ. Hey Rakesh! Come here.
2, हे ईश्वर! Hey Lord!

Till next continuing post , keep practice! 🙂

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About the Author: Nitin Kumar

Nitin Kumar is a native Hindi speaker from New Delhi, India. His education qualification include Masters in Robotics and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is working in the Research and Development in Robotics in Germany. He is avid language learner with varied level of proficiency in English, German, Spanish, and Japanese. He wish to learn French one day. His passion for languages motivated him to share his mother tongue, Hindi, and culture and traditions associated with its speakers. He has been working with Transparent Language since 2010 and has written over 430 blogs on various topics on Hindi language and India, its culture and traditions. He is also the Administrator for Hindi Facebook page which has a community of over 330,000 members.


  1. Durgesh:

    Nitin hamen aap par garv hai. App ek sacche Rashtra Bhasha premi hain.AAp ke iss sarahaniya kary ke liye koti-koti pranam avan sadhuvad.

  2. Gauhar:

    It’s really good website. Even a single definition and example are soo easily.. Itz a gud website for new learners