Dhanteras Posted by Nitin Kumar on Oct 30, 2013 in Hindi Language
The time during the months of October and November is festival time for the majority (अधिकांश – Adhikansh) of Indians, who are Hindus. During this time, there comes numerous important festivals including the inarguably the biggest festival of Indian, Diwali (or Deepawali). Just before the festival of Diwali, another important festival called Dhanteras (धनतेरस) is celebrated.
Dhanteras comes from Dhan meaning Wealth and teras meaning 13th lunar day of Krishna paksha (dark fortnight) in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin. On this festival (त्योहार – Tyohar) Hindu goddess of wealth Lakshmi and God of wealth Kuber are worshiped. It is celebrated with lot of passion (जोश – Josh) and and enthusiasm (उत्साह – Utsaah). People make colorful motif in front (सामने – Saamane) of their house door and lit oil clay lamps to welcome Goddess Lakshmi so as to get blessing (आशीर्वाद – Aashirvaad) of prosperity (समृद्धि – Samridhi) and well-being. Devotional hymns and sweets are offered to her.
In business community, it holds important significance (महत्व – Mahatv). On this day, business premises are renovated or decorated. There is also a important tradition (परंपरा – Parampara) of buying good especially jewellery, other metals, utensils etc. on this day. Almost all good businesses offers their customers great deals and people could be seen to wait (प्रतीक्षा – Pratiksha) for this period of time for such deals eg. housing offers, car etc.
In rural areas, farmers (किसान – Kishan) could be seen to adorn and worship their cattle as they form the main source of their income. Cows are offered a special veneration in south India as they are thought of as incarnations (अवतार – Avatar) of Goddess Lakshmi.

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Benedict Samaru Singh:
All of us as Hindu away from our home land should always remember our religeon and culture and celebrate our festival’s as they come remember where you came from. Some time we seem to forget that. We must love the God’s and Goddesse’s we worship in this world. Love and Happiness be with all.
ऋषि धन्वंतरि का आज जन्मदिन है , जो आयुर्वेद के जनक है, किन्तु गुलामी काल मे हिन्दू इस दिन का वास्तविक अर्थ भूल गया और इसे वस्तुएं खरीदने का दिन बना दिया , इसका सम्बन्ध रावण के छोटे भाई कुबेर जो कि एक धनिक राजा थे, उससे जोड़ दिया और एक काल्पनिक देवी लक्ष्मी से।
ऋषियों के ज्ञान के अर्थ को न् समझने में कारण हम न् जाने और कितने पाखण्ड में गिरेंगे ।
ऋषि कहते है आयुर्वेद का पालन करो तो तुम्हारे जीवन मे ऐश्वर्य आएगा ।
हमने उल्टा अर्थ लेकर खरीदारी शुरू कर दी।
ऋषि ध्वन्तरि के जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाये , हमारा जीवन आयुर्वेद के विरुद्ध न् हो यही मेरी मंगल कामना है 💐💐