Examples of Derivative Roots in Hindi – I Posted by Nitin Kumar on Apr 7, 2016 in Hindi Language
In Hindi, some of the verbs are derived from other verbs. The root of base verb changes to form a new root. In the last post, we saw how to derive new verbs root from other verbs. These derived verb is called व्युत्पन्न धातु (Vyautpann Dhaatu – Derivative Root) in Hindi. In this post, let’s take some examples in Hindi.
For the previous post on Derivative Roots, please check this link.
1. उठना (Utna – to raise or lift)
मैं सुबह ७ बजे उठा। – I woke up at 7 o’ clock in the morning.
उठाना (Utaana – to lift to something or someone)
क्या तुम मुझे कल सुबह ७ बजे उठा दोगे। – Will you wake me up in morning at 7 o’ clock?
उठवाना (Utavaana – to make someone lift something or someone by someone (third person))
तुम्हे मुझे कल किसी से बोल कर सुबह ७ बजे उठवाना है। – You have to ask someone to wake me up in the morning at 7 o’ clock.
2. पीना (Peena – to drink)
मुझे पानी पीना है। – I have to drink water.
पिलाना (Pilwana – to feed a drink, liquid to someone (second person) )
मुझे तुम्हें दवाई पिलानी है। – I have to feed you the medicine.
पिलवाना (Pilvaana – to make someone (second person) feed a drink, liquid someone (third person) )
मुझे किसी को बोल कर तुम्हे दवाई पिलवनी है। – I have to tell someone to feed you the medicine.
3. सोना (Sona – to sleep)
मैं कल रात १० बजे सोया था। – Yesterday, I slept at 10 o’ clock .
सुलाना (Sulana – to make someone (second person) sleep)
क्या तुम बच्चों को रात को १० बजे सुला दोगे? – Will you make children sleep 10 o’ clock tonight?
सुलवाना (Sulvaana – to make someone (second person) make someone (third person) sleep)
तुम्हे किसी को बोल कर बच्चों को रात को १० बजे सुलवाना है। – You have to tell someone to make children sleep 10 o’ clock tonight.
4. देना (Dena – to give)
मुझे तुम्हे कुछ देना है। – I need to give you something.
दिलाना (Dilaana – To make someone (second person) give something)
तुम बच्चों को कुछ मत दिलाना। – Don’t purchase anything for the children.
दिलवाना (Dilvaana – to make someone (second person) give something to someone (third person))
तुम राकेश को बोल देना की बच्चों को कुछ नहीं दिलवाना है। – You have to tell Rakesh that he don’t have to purchase anything for the children.
5. खाना (Khana – to eat)
मुझे सेब खाना है। – I have to eat apple.
खिलाना (Khilana – to feed someone (second person))
हमे कुछ लोगों को खाना खिलना है। – We have to feed some people.
खिलवाना (Khilvaana – to make someone (second person) feed someone (third person))
तुम अमित को बोल देना की उससे कुछ लोगों को खाना खिलवाना है। – Tell Amit that he has to feed some people.
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This is great although I am not sure of how to use the third verb derivative. Are there any English phrase example, Sample sentences ofr how we would use a verb in the same way?
I was using videos and podcast to learn but this kind of posts is very nice.