Poem in Hindi – Mukti Ki Aakansha Posted by Nitin Kumar on Apr 28, 2015 in Hindi Language
Today, there is a poem for all Hindi learners, a short and very meaningful poem that you can try to comprehend it. The poet, Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena, has expressed the value of freedom through the eye of the birds.
Below is the poem in Devanagari fonts (Hindi) with the literal translation in English. I hope that you will try to comprehend the poem with the given explanation. So, here it is.
कविता (Kavita – Poem) : मुक्ति की आकांक्षा (Mukti Ki Aakansha – Possibility of Freedom)
कवि (Kavi – Poet) : सर्वेश्वरदयाल सक्सेना (Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena)
हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के
पिंजरबद्ध न गा पाऍंगे
कनक-तीलियों से टकराकर
पुलकित पंख टूट जाऍंगे ।
We, the birds of clear sky
won’t be able to sing in cages,
will crash with the metal sticks
our blithe wings will tear down.
हम बहता जल पीनेवाले
मर जाऍंगे भूखे-प्यासे
कहीं भली है कटुक निबोरी
कनक-कटोरी की मैदा से ।
We, those who drink flowing water
will die in hunger and thirst,
somewhere a bitter fruit (of Neem tree) is better
than a bowl full of flour (as in cage).
स्वर्ण-श्रृंखला के बंधन में
अपनी गति, उड़ान सब भूले
बस सपनों में देख रहे हैं
तरू की फुनगी पर के झूले ।
In the bondage of gold chain
our speed and flight are all we have forgotten,
only in dream we are seeing
the swings on the top of tree.
ऐसे थे अरमान कि उड़ते
नील गगन की सीमा पाने
लाल किरण-सी चोंच खोल
चुगते तारक-अनार के दाने ।
Of such was our desire of flying
to find the limit of blue sky,
to open our red ray liked beak
peck the star liked Pomegranate seeds
होती सीमाहीन क्षितिज से
इन पंखों की होड़ा-होड़ी
या तो क्षितिज मिलन बन जाता
या तनती सॉंसों की डोरी ।
With the limitless horizon
race of these wings,
either there would be union with the horizon
or there would have our last breaths.
नीड़ न दो, चाहे टहनी का
आश्रय छिन्न-भिन्न कर डालो
लेकिन पंख दिए हैं तो
आकुल उड़ान में विघ्न न डालो ।
may you don’t offer the nest of the branch,
may destroy the shelter,
but as we have been given wings so,
don’t disturb our restless flight.

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Very beautiful. Extremely touching