Poem in Hindi – Praapti Posted by Nitin Kumar on Nov 29, 2015 in Hindi Language
Today, there is a short and easy poem for you. The poet, Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’, a very famous poet is describing us how a person feels when he finds his love.
Below is the poem in Devanagari fonts (Hindi) with the literal translation in English. I hope that you will try to comprehend the poem with the given explanation. So, here it is.
कविता (Kavita – Poem) : प्राप्ति (Praapti – Reception)
कवि (Kavi – Poet) : सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ (Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’)
तुम्हें खोजता था मैं,
पा नहीं सका,
हवा बन बहीं तुम, जब
मैं थका, रुका ।
I was searching for you,
Could not find,
You blew like wind, when
I became tired, I stopped.
मुझे भर लिया तुमने गोद में,
कितने चुम्बन दिये,
मेरे मानव-मनोविनोद में
नैसर्गिकता लिये;
You took me in your lap,
How many kisses given,
In my human-fling
For the innateness;
सूखे श्रम सीकर वे
छबि के निर्झर झरे नयनों से,
शक्त शिराएँ हुईं रक्त-वाह ले,
मिलीं – तुम मिलीं, अन्तर कह उठा
जब थका, रुका ।
By bearing dried labor they
flowed fountains of image from eyes,
lifeless vessels filled with the blood,
Met – You met, said the difference
When tired, I stopped.

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हमने तो बचपन से निराला जी की कवितायें पढ़ीं हैं फिर भी धन्यवाद, उनका लिखने का तरीका अप्रतिम है
Dr Vasant Chitguppi:
यह कविता हमारे हिंदी पाठ्यपुस्तक मे थी, सन १९५७ मे I हम उसे गाते थे I मुझे अब समझ मे आती है कि वह राग भैरवी मे संयोजित था I