Poem in Hindi – Sukh Dukh Posted by Nitin Kumar on Sep 29, 2014 in Hindi Language
Today, I will share a Hindi poem on how the world is in the grip of happiness and sadness.
Below is the poem in Devanagari fonts (Hindi) with the literal translation in English. I hope that you will try to comprehend the poem with the given explanation. So, here it is.
कविता (Kavita – Poem) : सुख-दुख (Sukh-Dukh – Happiness-Sadness)
कवि (Kavi – Poet) : सुमित्रानंदन पंत (Sumitranandan Pant)
मैं नहीं चाहता चिर दुख,
सुख दुख की खेल मिचौनी
खोले जीवन अपना मुख!
I don’t want eternal sadness,
the game of happiness and sadness,
opens the mouth of the life.
सुख-दुख के मधुर मिलन से
यह जीवन हो परिपूरण,
फिर घन में ओझल हो शशि,
फिर शशि से ओझल हो घन!
from the pleasant union of happiness and sadness,
the life is fulfilled,
then the moon disappears in the clouds,
and then the clouds disappears from the moon.
जग पीड़ित है अति दुख से
जग पीड़ित रे अति सुख से,
मानव जग में बँट जाएँ
दुख सुख से और सुख दुख से!
The world suffers from much sadness,
and the world suffers from much happiness,
the men will be divided,
from sadness happiness and from happiness sadness!
अविरत दुख है उत्पीड़न,
अविरत सुख भी उत्पीड़न,
दुख-सुख की निशा-दिवा में,
सोता-जगता जग-जीवन।
constant sadness is a harassment,
constant happiness is also a harassment,
in the night and day of happiness-sadness,
awaken and slept world of life.
यह साँझ-उषा का आँगन,
आलिंगन विरह-मिलन का,
चिर हास-अश्रुमय आनन,
रे इस मानव-जीवन का!
this veranda of dusk-dawn,
of embrace of separation and union,
of face of eternal laughing-mourning,
of this human-life!

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useful for project works…………
Helpful for prjct work
mohhammad saqlain ahmed:
I want baadal barsae poem song of sumitranandh panth
useful poem
vishwas pareek:
its a very nice poem
vishwas pareek:
an nature poem