Hindi Language Blog

Sounds of Animals, Insects and Birds in Hindi Posted by on Apr 22, 2013 in Hindi Language

Let me show you the sounds that various animals, insects and birds makes in Hindi in this post.

The sounds are given in the verb forms and that is why the sound ends with “ना” (na). Some of the sounds uses “करना” (karna) which means to do or to make. Sound is called “ध्वनि” (Dhvani) in Hindi.

Each Hindi words is also shown with its Romanized Hindi spelling on the next column on the right side so as to help you in pronunciation.

Animals – जानवर (Jaanvar) / जीव-जंतु (Jeev-Jantu)
English Hindi Rom. Hindi Sound Rom. Hindi
Dog कुत्ता Kutta भौंकना Bhounkna
Cat बिल्ली Billi म्याऊँ – म्याऊँ करना Meow -Meow karna
Badgers रीछ Reech गुर्राना Guraana
Steed घोडा Ghoda हिखियाना Hikhiyaana
Calve बछड़ा Bachada मिमियाना Mimiyaana
Lamb भेड़ के बच्चा Bhed ke baccha मिमियाना Mimiyaana
Cows गाय Gaaya राँभना Raambhana
Cattle मवेशी Maveshi राँभना Raambhana
Lion शेर Sher दहाड़ना Dahaadana
Snake नाग Naag फुफकारना Phuphakaarna
Ass गधा Ghadha रेंगना Rengna
Bear भालू  Bhaalu गुर्राना Guraana
Goat बकरी Bakri मिमियाना Mimiyaana
Monkey बन्दर Bandar चिल्लाना Chillaana
Vine बेल  Bell डकारना Dakaarana
Rat चुन्हा Chunha चरचराहट करना Charcharaahat karna
Bull साँड़ Saand गरजना Garajana
Frog मेंढक Mandak टरटराना Tartaraana
Elephant हाथी Hathi चिंघाड़ना Chighaadna
Tiger बाघ Baagh गुर्राना Guraana
Horses घोडा Ghoda हिनहिनाना Hinhinaana
Wolf भेड़िया Bhediya चिंखना Chikhana
Hippopotamus दरियाईघोड़ा Dariyaai Ghoda गड़गड़ाना Gidgidaana
Rabbit खरगोश Khargosh किकियाना Kikiyaana
Walrus वालरस Walras कराहना Karaahana
Swine सूअर Suwar चिचयाना Chichiyaana
Periapt गंडा Gandaa फुन्फुनना Phunphunana
Crocodile मगरमच्छ  Magarmach घुरघुराना Gurguraana
Insects – कीड़े (Kide)
English Hindi Rom. Hindi Sound Rom. Hindi
Bee भौंरा Bhaunra गुंजन Gunjan
Mosquito मच्छर Macchar भिनभिनाना Bhinbhinaana
Honye Bee मधु – मक्खी Madhu-Makhi भिनभिनाना Bhinbhinana
Birds – पक्षी (Pakshi)
English Hindi Rom. Hindi Sound Rom. Hindi
Pigeon कबूतर  Kabutar गुटरगू करना Gutargu karna
Crow कौआ Kauwa कांव – कांव करना Kaanv – Kaanv karna
Duck बतख Batakh कां कां करना Kaan – Kaan karna
Kiwi कीवी Kiwi चेचेहना Chechehanaa
Owl उल्लू Ullu हला करना Halaa karna
Falcon गरुड़ Garuda चिल्लाना Chillaana
Bird पक्षी Pakshi चहचहाना Cahchahaana
Cock मुर्गा Murga कुक्डूकू करना Kukdooku karna
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About the Author: Nitin Kumar

Nitin Kumar is a native Hindi speaker from New Delhi, India. His education qualification include Masters in Robotics and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is working in the Research and Development in Robotics in Germany. He is avid language learner with varied level of proficiency in English, German, Spanish, and Japanese. He wish to learn French one day. His passion for languages motivated him to share his mother tongue, Hindi, and culture and traditions associated with its speakers. He has been working with Transparent Language since 2010 and has written over 430 blogs on various topics on Hindi language and India, its culture and traditions. He is also the Administrator for Hindi Facebook page which has a community of over 330,000 members.


  1. Suresh:

    Good work except u to help us by contributing more to this page

    • jeferson:

      @Suresh very good

  2. Amol:

    For ……for you.aashe hi.

  3. madhusmita:

    Thank you for your great work . You really reduced my headache..

  4. Ammu:

    Thank you so much. I have been looking for this for very long.

  5. soorya:

    Goodwork. Keep it up.

  6. amit:

    What is the sound of ant?

    • Nitin Kumar:

      @amit @Amit: We don’t know the sound of ant, if you know then please share.

  7. amit:

    Very good and congratulations


  8. Vidya:

    Thnks it realy helps me

  9. neelam:

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