Tag Archives: Hindi film
Fighting for Equality Posted by Rachael on Jun 6, 2019

As you may have heard, actor (अभिनेता/abhinetaa) Ayushman Khurana (आयुष्मान खुराना) will soon appear in a major film called Article 15, which is set to release on June 28th. As the title suggests, the film concerns “Article 15” of the Indian constitution (भारतीय संविधान/bhaaratiya samvidhaan), which guarantees equality to all citizens (नागरिक/naagrik) regardless of personal…
Hinglish in Advertising Posted by Rachael on May 24, 2019

As you delve deeper into your Hindi studies (हिंदी की पढ़ाई/Hindi ki parhaai), you’ll notice that English (अँग्रेज़ी/angrezi) continues – for better or worse – to make extensive inroads into the Hindi language. This is true in casual conversation (बातचीत/baatcheet), especially amongst young, urban and educated people but also among the population as a whole…