Hindi Language Blog

Tag Archives: vocabulary in hindi

Vocabulary in Hindi – Supermarket Items Posted by on Jan 7, 2015

Have you ever wondered in the supermarket how would you say Milk or Apple in Hindi? Let me help you will Hindi vocabulary that you would ever need for Supermarket supplies. Yes, I have prepared some lists in Hindi vocabulary for vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, daily products, hardware and clothing supplies. You may find…

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Vocabulary in Hindi – Diseases Posted by on Aug 31, 2014

Let me show you some vocabulary of disease (रोग – Rog) in Hindi. The vocabulary on disease will come handy when you’ve to describe the health condition. To help you to learn the vocabulary for the same, I have made an extensive word list. English and their translation into Hindi (in Devanagari script) is given along…

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Vocabulary in Hindi – Weather Posted by on May 31, 2014

So you know basic Hindi and going to visit India soon. How about weather there? Should you pack warm or cold cloths? What to wear on your trip there? Will be rainy or dusty? How can you ask people about weather there? What if they don’t understand English? Don’t worry, calm down. I will show…

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Vocabulary in Hindi – Work Posted by on May 31, 2013

My last post was on the vocabulary of money and in this post, I will show you vocabulary based on Work (कार्य – kaary). Work is an integral part of our life and society.  Many important things revolves around our work life which includes our office, clients, research, ambition, assets and so on. Therefore, let…

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Vocabulary in Hindi – Money Posted by on May 30, 2013

Money (धन – dhan) is an important part of our life. Therefore, I would show you Hindi vocabulary (शब्दावली – shabdaavali) concerning the money matter. The following list (सूची – suchi) contain some of the important words in Hindi related to money. English words and their translations (अनुवाद – anuvaad) into Hindi (in Devanagari script)…

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Vocabulary in Hindi – Health & the Body Posted by on May 26, 2013

Do you know the vocabulary of health (स्वास्थ्य – Svaasthy) and body (शरीर – Sharir) in Hindi? If your answer is no, let me help you with this post. You want to describe your health condition or the body in Hindi and you are lost of words as you don’t know the vocabulary the same…

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