How to say ‘room’ in Indonesian Posted by asimonoff on Mar 29, 2017 in Uncategorized
There are two words to choose from when you want to say ‘room’ in Indonesian: ‘kamar’ and ‘ruang.’ The word ‘kamar’ is adopted from Dutch word ‘kamer’ during Dutch colonization of Indonesia with the same meaning. As Indonesia gained its independence, gradually, some of the Dutch origin vocabularies are either replaced with local languages or English vocabulary.
Kamar is referred to as room when it is used to conduct private or personal activities.
Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Kamar tidur | Bedroom |
Kamar mandi | Bathroom |
Kamar kecil | Restroom/lavatory/toilet |
Kamar Pas | Fitting room |
Kamar ganti pakaian | Changing room |
Ruang and Kamar are used interchangeable due Indonesians familiarity in both words.
Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Kamar/Ruang tamu | Living room |
Kamar/Ruang tunggu | Waiting room |
Kamar/Ruang makan | Dining room |
Ruang is referred to as space when it is used for less private activities or its function.
Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Ruang pamer | Show room |
Ruang pendingin | Cold storage room; cooler |
Ruang bermain | Playroom |
Ruang cuci pakaian | Laundry room |
Ruang rapat | Meeting room |
Ruang pasien | Patient room |
Ruang is referred to as space in scientific terms.
Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Ruang Angkasa | Outer space or space |
Ruang hampa udara | Vacuum chamber |
Ruang waktu | Space-time; spacetime; space time |
The shift in word usage from ‘kamar’ to ‘ruangan’ referred to as room when it is used for less personal or private activities.
Bahasa Indonesia | English | |
Previously used | Currently used | |
Kamar baca | Ruang baca | Reading room |
Kamar keluarga | Ruang keluarga | Family room |
Kamar belajar | Ruang belajar | Study room |
Ruang is referred as space when it is used to describe abstract concepts.
Bahasa Indonesia | English | |
Ruang lingkup | Scope | |
Space-time; spacetime; space time | ||
Ruang wanita | Women’s corner; women’s column | |
Ruang waktu | Space-time; spacetime; space time | |
Ruang kehidupan | Life space |
Phrases and expressions
- Di mana kamar pasnya?
Where is the fitting room?
- Kamar kecil ada di akhir lorong ini
The restroom is at the end of this hallway.
- Wah! Rumah kamu kamar tidurnya banyak, ya.
Wow! Your house has a lot of bedrooms.
- Kamar tidur utamanya terlalu kecil buat saya.
The master bedroom is too small for me.
- Saya harus mencetak rol film ini kamar gelap.
I have to print this film at the darkroom.
- Saya tidak sabar untuk merenovasi kamar mandi
I cannot wait to renovate my bathroom.
- Silakan tunggu di ruang tunggu.
Please wait at the waiting room.
- Tolong simpan bahan-bahan makanannya di ruang pendingin.
Please store the grocery in the cooler.
- Tolong bilang ke Pak Joko untuk datang ke ruang kerja
Please ask Pak Joko to see me in my office.
- Saya butuh ruang makan yang lebih besar untuk pesta ini.
I need a bigger dining room for this party.
- Saya tidak punya ruang untuk bergerak sama sekali.
I don’t have any room to move at all.
- Di ruang baca perpustakaan, para pembaca harus mematikan suara atau mematikan telepon genggam mereka.
In the library reading room, the readers’ mobile phone should be placed in silent mode or switched off.

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