Indonesian Language Blog

Liburan saya di Pantai Pangandaran Posted by on Mar 30, 2016 in Uncategorized

Let’s share your vacation story in Indonesian. Tell us about your favorite vacation places, whom you had the vacation with, the best experience and activities in your vacation, and the best mode of transportation.

As a start, I write about my vacation in Indonesian. At the end of the story, keywords are  provided to you to help you write your story.


Berlibur ke Pantai Pangandaran


image by Maggalie LAbbe/ creative commons

Saya berlibur di Pangandaran dengan keluarga saya dan keluarga sepupu saya, semuanya delapan orang.  Kami beruntung bisa memesan kamar penginapan di tepi pantai pada liburan sekolah. Biasanya, penginapannya penuh.

Dari Bandung, perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar 5 ½  jam.  Kami  berangkat hari Kamis sore supaya tidak terjebak kemacetan lalu lintas.  Waktu menunjukkan jam 12.00 malam ketika kami sampai di penginapan. Karena capek, kami langsung tidur.

Hari Jumat, kami bangun pagi sekali untuk melihat matahari terbit di Pantai Timur Pangandaran. Setelah itu, kami duduk-duduk di pantai untuk menikmati deburan ombak dan angin laut sambil melihat nelayan-nelayan mencari ikan di laut dan kembali ke darat membawa hasil tangkapan.


image by Jeffrey.pick/ creative commons


image by Benny Wijaya/ creative commons

Karena hari masih pagi, kami pergi ke Tempat Pelelangan Ikan di Pantai Timur. Di sini, pedagang menjual  ikan segar hasil tangkapan hari itu. Setelah mengambil banyak foto, kami beristirahat untuk makan siang di restoran makanan laut. Kami memesan ikan bakar dengan sambal, lalaban dan nasi putih. Enak sekali.


image by Ridho Nur Imansyah/ creative commons

Pada hari Sabtu, hari terakhir liburan kami, kami pergi ke cagar alam tempat reruntuhan kerajaan Hindu kuno, candi dan makam kuno. Dilanjutkan pergi ke Gua Jepang dan Gua Panggung untuk melihat stalagnit.  Hari sudah sore waktu kami harus kembali ke penginapan.

Hari Minggu, hari terakhir untuk pulang ke rumah. Sebelum pulang, kami membeli kerajinan tangan dan makanan khas Pangandaran untuk dibawa pulang

Akhirnya, pada jam 11.00 siang, kami kembali ke Bandung.

Liburan yang mengesankan.


Key words

Indonesian English
berlibur to go for a vacation
penginapan Inn, lodging
liburan a vacation
perjalanan the trip
berangkat to depart
beristirahat have a rest; take a break
menikmati to enjoy
berjalan-jalan stroll



My Vacation at Pangandaran Beach

I went on a vacation to Pangandaran with my family and my cousin’s family; there were eight of us. We were fortunate to have been able to book the rooms, in the seaside area, on a school holiday, because the beach is usually full at this season.

The trip from Bandung to Pangandaran Beach took about five and a half hours. We set out on Thursday afternoon so that we would not get caught in the traffic jams. It was already 12:00 midnight when we arrived at the inn. We felt exhausted, so we went to sleep immediately.

On Friday morning, we woke up early to see the sunrise in the east coast of Pangandaran Beach. Afterward, we sat around on the beach to enjoy the sea waves and the sea breezes while we watched the fishermen, catching fish and bringing them back to the shore.

As it was still early, we went to the fish auction that only opened in the morning. Here, the vendors sold fresh fish caught that day. After taking many photos, we took a break for lunch at a seafood restaurant.  We ordered grilled fish with a hot chili sauce and steamed white rice, the local specialty foods. They were very delicious.

On Saturday, we went to a nature reserve where we could see the ruins of the ancient Hindu Kingdom, temple, and tombs of the Pananjung Kingdom. Afterward, we visited the Japanese cave, and later, we rented a sailboat to visit Panggung Cave to see stalagmite. It was late afternoon when we had to go back to the Inn.

Sunday was the last day of our vacation; it was time for us to return home. However, before returning home, we went shopping for handicraft and the food of local specialties.

Finally, at 11:00 pm, we headed back to Bandung.

It was a memorable vacation.


Please tell us of your vacation on using Indonesian. Try to answer the following questions

  1. Where did you go on vacation?
  2. Who did you go on vacation with?
  3. How was your vacation?
  4. How many days was your vacation?
  5. What historical sites did you visit? and what did you learn?
  6. How was your trip? 
    • Why did you visit the place(s) you went to?
    • How did you get there?
    • Why did you choose the means of transportation that you chose?




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About the Author: asimonoff

I’m an Indonesian language instructor, instructional material developer, reading test developer, and interpreter. I have been teaching Indonesian to adult students for 15 years, and have been teaching students from many backgrounds, such as private, military and diplomatic service employees. I’m Indonesian, but am living in the US now; my exposure to different cultures in my home country and in the US has enriched my knowledge in teaching Indonesian as a second language. I approach the teaching of the Indonesian language by developing students’ critical cultural awareness and competence. This method of teaching has been proven to be a key to the success of my students. Students become conscious of the essential role culture plays in the language.