Our Honeymoon (Bulan Madu Kami) Posted by sasha on Nov 22, 2017 in Uncategorized
Lots of people dream of honeymooning in Bali, and for good reason. Here you can find stunning beaches, tranquil rice fields, an amazing dining and nightlife scene, and so much more. I was lucky enough to have my honeymoon while studying in Bali. Here’s a little story about our honeymoon (bulan madu kami) in Indonesian, followed by an English translation.
Minggu ini kami berlibur, jadi saya dengan istri saya pergi ke Ubud. Kami sudah menikah dua bulan, tapi belum ada bulan madu. Saya menemukan sebuah rumah joglo yang bagus di sebelah sawah. Rumah ini indah dan tenang. Di depan rumah ada kebun bunga, banyak pohon, dan kolam renang. Kami bersenang hati tinggal di rumah ini.
Kami tinggal di Ubud empat malam. Pada malam pertama, kami pergi ke sebuah rumah makan bernama “Naughty Nuri’s.” Restoran ini sangat terkenal di Ubud. Kami makan iga babi dan minum martini. Martini di sini sangat kuat! Saya hanya bisa minum satu.
Pada hari Minggu, kami pergi ke sebuah spa, tapi saya tidak bercerita kepada dia. Dia sangat terkejut. Malam itu, kami makan ikan enak sambil menonton pertunjukan tarian Bali. Istri saya sangat suka tarian Bali.
Pada hari Senin, kami pergi ke sebuah museum seni. Saya berpikir seni di museum ini sangat menarik. Kami di sawah jalan-jalan sebelum makan malam. Sawah di Ubud indah sekali. Setelah makan malam, kami menonton film musik di sebuah bar.
Pada hari Selasa, kami bergabung kelas yoga. Saya suka belajar yoga, tapi ini saya pertama kali masuk kelas. Saya harap bisa pergi lagi ke sekolah ini belajar yoga. Malam itu kami makan babi guling sambil menonton tarian Bali.
Saya berpikir bulan madu kami bagus sekali. Kami tidak mau pulang, tapi saya harus ke sekolah belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Tidak apa-apa. Saya juga suka belajar!
This week we are on vacation, so I went with my wife to Ubud. We’ve been married for two months, but we haven’t had a honeymoon yet. I found a nice joglo house next to the rice fields. The house is beautiful and quiet. In front of the house there is a garden, lots of trees, and a swimming pool. We were happy to stay in this house.
We stayed in Ubud four nights. On the first night, we went to a restaurant called “Naughty Nuri’s.” This restaurant is very famous in Ubud. We ate pork ribs and drank martinis. The martinis here are very strong! I could only drink one.
On Sunday, we went to a spa, but I did not tell her. She was very surprised. That night, we ate delicious fish while watching a Balinese dance performance. My wife really likes Balinese dance.
On Monday, we went to an art museum. I think the art in this museum is very interesting. We went for a walk in the rice fields before dinner. The rice fields in Ubud are beautiful. After dinner we watched a music movie in a bar.
On Tuesday, we joined yoga classes. I like learning yoga, but this was my first time coming to a class. I hope to go to this school again to learn yoga. That night we ate babi guling while watching Balinese dance.
I think our honeymoon was great. We did not want to go home, but I have to go to school to learn Bahasa Indonesia. It’s okay. I also love learning!
Here are some key words from the reading that you can study:
berlibur = be on vacation/holiday
bulan madu = honeymoon
joglo = a type of Indonesian house
kebun bunga = garden
kolam renang = swimming pool
bersenang hati = to be happy/pleased
pertama = first
terkenal = famous
kuat = strong
terkejut = surprised
pertunjukan = performance
seni = art
menarik = interesting
sawah = rice fields
bergabung = to join
harap = hope
pulang = to go home
tidak apa-apa = no problem/it’s ok
Have you been to Ubud? What did you do there? How would you like to honeymoon there? Leave a comment and let us know!

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