Talking about weather in Indonesian Posted by asimonoff on Dec 22, 2017 in Uncategorized
Discussing weather is the most basic conversation that you cannot get away. You can use it as ice breaker even with strangers. Knowing some simple weather phrases in Indonesian will help you get through small talk easily.
bahasa Indonesia | English |
musim | season(s) |
panas | hot |
dingin | cold |
pancaroba | transition seasion |
musim dingin | winter |
musim panas | summer |
musim gugur | fall |
musim semi | spring |
musim paceklik | famine season |
musim kemarau | draught season |
musim hujan | rainy season |
cuaca | weather |
cuaca cerah | sunny |
cuaca mendung | cloudy/overcast |
cuaca panas | hot weather |
udara | air |
udaranya panas sekali | the weather is very hot. |
udaranya dingin sekali | the weather is very cold. |
udaranya lembab | It is humid. |
derajat | degree |
suhu | temperature |
awan | cloud |
hujan | rain |
gerimis | drizzle |
hujan rintik-rintik | drizzle |
hujan lebat | heavy rain |
hujan deras | downpour |
hujan buatan | artificial rain |
basah | wet |
banjir | flood |
banjir bandang | flash flood |
angin puting beliung | tornado |
angin topan | hurricane |
guntur | thunder |
petir | lighting |
badai | storm |
badai tropis | tropical hurricane |
Prakiraan cuaca | weather forecast |
tingkat kelembaban | humidity level |
langit menjadi cerah | turning out clear |
umumnya berawan dengan badai petir | a thunderstorm |
sebagian cerah | partly sunny |
sebagian cerah | partly sunny and pleasant |
cerah dan berawan | sunny and cloudy |
mungkin hujan singkat | mostly cloudy with a shower |
peluang terjadi hujan | cloudy with a little rain |
hujan sebentar satu dua kali | cloudy with a shower or two |
badai petir di beberapa tempat | cloudy with a stray t-storm |
sesekali hujan dan badai petir | some rain and a thunderstorm |
badai petir | thunderstorm |
angin kencang | wind gush |
berangin | windy |
berawan | cloudy |
hujan ringan | rain |
Ungkapan | Expressions |
1. panas ya! | It is hot, isn’t it. |
2. dingin ya! | It is cold, isn’t it. |
3. Saya kepanasan. | I feel uncomfortable because of the heat ( hot temperature). |
4. Saya kedinginan. | I feel umcomfortable because of the cold (cold temperature). |
5. Saya tidak tahan dinginnya. | I cannot stand the cold. |
6. Saya tidak tahan panasnya. | I cannot stand the heat. |
7. Saya kehujanan. | I get caught in the rain. |
8. Hujannya sudah reda. | The rain has stopped. |
9. basah kuyup | soaking wet |
10. Saya basah karena kuyup kehujanan. | I am soaking wet because I get caught in the rain. |
11. saya berteduh dari hujan. | I take shelter from the rain/the sun under something. |
12. Cuacanya baik, ya ? | Beautiful day, isn’t it? |
Some questions you could ask: | |
1. Bagaimana cuacanya ? | How is the weather? |
2. Sekarang musim apa di Amerika ? | What season is it in Amerika now? |
3. Suhunya berapa derajat sekarang ? | What is the temperature now? |
4. Musim apa sekarang ? | What season it is? |
5. Apa hujan sekarang ? | Is it raining now? |
6. Apa cuaca berangin sekarang ? | Is it windy? |
7. Apa udaranya dinign atau panas? | Is it cold or hot? |
8. Bagaimana prakiraan cuaca hari ini? | How is the weather forecast today? |
Some answers to describe weather: | |
1. Hari ini hangat dan matahari keluar. | Today it is warm and sunny out. |
2. Dingin sekali di luar. | It’s so cold out there! |
3. Matahari bersinar cerah hari ini. | The sun is very bright today. |
4. Berawan tetapi tidak hujan. | It’s not raining, but it is cloudy. |
5. Saya senang mataharai bersinar cerah. | It is! I’m so happy the sun is shining. |
Situation: Nuning and Dadi talk about eating lunch and weather | ||
Nuning: | Dad, mau makan siang bareng ? | Dad, do you want to have lunch together? |
Dadi: | Boleh. Mau makan di mana? | Sure. Where are we going to eat? |
Nuning: | Mau coba kafe baru di pojok Jalan Ambon ? | Do you want to try the new cafe on the corner of Ambon Street? |
Dadi: | Kafenya kelihatannya nyaman. Apa kita bisa duduk di luar ? | The cafe looks cozy. Can we sit outside? |
Nuning: | Mungkin kita bisa dapat meja kalau kita berangkat sekarang. Kebetulan cuaca cerah, jadi kita tidak bisa duduk di luar. Kita mungkin tidak bisa melakukannya kalau musim hujan mulai. | Maybe we can get a table if we leave now. Coincidentally, it’s sunny so that we can sit outside. We might not be able to do it when the rainy season started. |
Dadi: | Ayo kita pergi sekarang. Sepertinya sebentar lagi hujan. Tadi pagi gerimis waktu saya pergi ke kantor. | Let’s go now. It looks as if it might rain soon. There has been some drizzle when I went to work. |
Nuning: | Sepertinya tidak akan hujan sekarang karena matahari keluar dan langit juga cerah. | It seems like it won’t be raining today because the sun comes out and the sky is clear . |
Dadi: | Tapi anginnya kencang, dan itu membuat udara menjadi sangat dingin. | But there’s a gusty wind and that make it a big chilly. |
Nuning: | Kita bisa memakai jaket. Saya ingin menikmati sinar matahari. | We can wear out jacket. I want to enjoy the sun. |
Dadi: | Baiklah kalau begitu, ayo kita pergi. | Okay then, let’s go. |

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