Transparent Inglês

Resposta dos quizzes de ontem – Lateral Thinking Posted by on Jul 15, 2010 in Avançado

Hey, there!

Hoje trago a respostas dos quizzes de ontem, in English! Acertou algum? Tell us!

The shoe shops put single shoes as display items outside the shops. One shop put out left shoes, the other three shops put out right shoes.
Thieves stole the display shoes but had to make pairs, so more shoes were taken from the one displaying left shoes. The manager changed the display to right shoes and thefts dropped significantly.
(From Sloane and MacHale, 2000.)

display items – itens na vitrine
dropped – caíram

Before the inspector arrived the teacher instructed the pupils always to raise their left hands if they did not know the answer or were unsure. If they were sure they knew the answer they should raise their right hand. The teacher chooses a different pupil every time, but always one who had raised his or her right hand. The Superintendent was duly impressed. (From Sloane and MacHale, 1993.)

unsure – incerto, não ter certeza
duly – adequadamente, (aqui) muito

They bought or rented herds of goats and grazed them on the mountain slopes. The goats ate the vegetation, kept the brush down and reached steep slopes that were otherwise difficult to reach. Brushwood fires were significantly reduced.

herds of goats – grupos de cabras
graze – pastar
slope -declive
steep – íngreme

The man is a philanthropist who buys great quantities of coconuts to sell to poor people at prices they can afford. He started out as a billionaire but lost so much  money in his good works that he became a millionaire. If you assumed that the only way to become a millionaire is by working your way up to that level of wealth, you made an assumption which prevented you from solving the problem! (From Sloane and MacHale, 1997.)

afford – ter condições de
works – ações
assume – supor
wealth – riqueza
prevent … from … – evitar … que …

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. magda:

    Meu entender de ingles esta fraco mesmo. Tentei, tentei, mas nada. Shame on me! E a traduçao do Google? Nem da para comentar. Horrivel, pois as frases nao fazem sentido. Paciencia, fica para a outra vez.

    • Adir:

      @magda Oi, Paula!

      Na semana que entra teremos mais podcasts. Obrigado pela visita!