Transparent Inglês

Como dizer “ressaca” em inglês Posted by on Aug 27, 2010 in Avançado

Não, não estou escrevendo este post porque estou de ressaca, e sim para dar uma dica de um filme super legal que eu vi recentemente que se chama Se Beber, Não Case, em inglês The Hangover (A Ressaca).

O filme conta a história de 4 amigos que vão a Las Vegas para a despedida de solteiro (bachelor party) de um deles. Sobem até o teto do Caesar’s Palace, onde estão hospedados, fazem um brinde e vão festejar. No outro dia, quando acordam, encontram um tigre no banheiro do quarto e um bebê de seis meses no armário. Cadê o noivo? Desapareceu!

O filme é uma comédia imprevisível, muito legal de se ver e tem muitas gírias e expressões idiomáticas. Se você é aluno intermediário ou avançado, pode assistir com a legenda e o som em inglês, ir parando, anotando, etc. Sei que demora pra caramba, mas vale a pena todo o esforço.

By the way, a ressaca das ondas do mar é chamada de undertow, ok?

Aqui você tem o trailer do filme com o transcript abaixo. Enjoy!

If you wanna go to Vegas without me, that is totally cool

What are you talking about?

Well, you know, Phil and Stu, they’re your buddies and it’s your bachelor party.

Those two love you.

Boys and their bachelor parties, it’s gross.

It is … gross!

I just wish your friends were as mature as you.

They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them better.

Paging Doctor Douchebag!

And this is Vegas!

To a night we’ll never forget!

Yeah, great!


What happened last night?

Am I missing a tooth?


Whose baby is that?

Check its collar or something.

I’ve looked everywhere. No one’s seen Doug.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this hungover.

What’s on your arm?

You were in the hospital last night.

The only important thing now is that we find Doug.

Here’s your car, officers.

Oh God.

I think it was just you guys and one other guy.

Was he OK?

He was fine, just whacked out of his mind.

Oh, we were messed up.

Is there anything you can tell us about what may’ve happened last night.

Congratulations, dude. You got married!

She’s wearing my grandmother’s Holocaust ring.

I didn’t know they gave out rings at the Holocaust.

Police, freeze!

These gentlemen volunteered how a stun gun is used to subdue a suspect.

Wait a sec, what?

In the face! In the face!

You sure you’re qualified to be taking care of that baby?

Oh my God!

We’re getting married in five hours!

Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.

What is going on?

Mike Tyson?

Shh. This is my favorite part is coming up right now.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. Troy:

    A ressaca das ondas do mar é chamada de undertow (nao “undertown”).

    • Adir:

      @Troy Oi, Troy! Obrigado pela visita! Corrigi a palavra undertow.


  2. Elaine Santos:

    Ahh, Adir, I can’t watch the video. It was removed.

    • Adir:

      @Elaine Santos Elaine, I just replaced the video, check it out!