Transparent Inglês

Happy Thanksgiving! – Parte 03 Posted by on Nov 21, 2010 in Avançado

Hello, there! Did you have a good weekend? I hope you did!

O feriado de Ação de Graças é na próxima quinta-feira nos Estados Unidos e meus colegas da Transparent Language lá em Boston fizeram um vídeo contando como eles celebram esse dia tão importante para os americanos.

Já vimos como o Christopher O’Donnel e o Patrick Paraggio celebram seu Thanksgiving e esta semana é a vez das meninas.

O vídeo de hoje é com a Kristen Heudorfer. Vejam o vídeo e a transcrição abaixo.

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So how do you normally spend Thanksgiving?

We generally, like most people, cook a very large meal with at least five pies. And, um, because I grew up in a town where there were a lot of apple orchards we usually do a couple different varieties of apple pies from apples from the nearby orchards.

What’s your favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving?

I, despite being from an apple orchard town I’m a big fan of pumpkin pie, that’s my favorite.

Anything that you make yourself?

I do make a pretty good stuffing with roasted chestnuts and celery.

How many people do you celebrate with?

This year I think we’re celebrating with about 10 people in total, so family, friends, you know, neighbors who don’t necessarily have a big family or community with them.

What’s on in the background, television, music, too noisy to even bother with?

Definitely music in the background, at least during the meal and it’s pretty inevitable that sports come on at some point during the afternoon, much to my mother’s dismay, worse.

And what do you like to drink? What’s on the table, um, what’s in the glasses?

So I think wine is a pretty standard beverage for Thanksgiving most years but I think I’m going to experiment with a pumpkin martini this year, bringing together a couple of good flavors like pumpkin, vanilla and a friend actually made me some infused vanilla beans, infused with cognac or orange peel or something so that might have to make a special appearance in that.

Is there anything that is a part of Thanksgiving that you won’t have any other time of the year?

So I think um, given how long it takes to cook a turkey, the massive turkey is probably one food that comes into play on that day and no others throughout the year.

So I think we’re done. Thank you.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.