Transparent Inglês

Lateral thinking skills quizzes! Posted by on Jul 8, 2013 in Avançado

Hello, everybody!

Em 2010 fiz uma entrevista por Skype com o autor Paul Sloane, autor de vários livros sobre lateral thinking skills, habilidades de pensamento lateral.

Usei alguns dos seus quizzes naquela época aqui no blog e decidi compartilhar mais alguns com a permissão do Paul. Vamos ver se você consegue achar uma solução para eles?

Here they are!

01. Interview question – This question has been used as an aptitude test at interviews. You are driving in your sports car on a cold wet evening. You pass a bus stop where you see three people waiting for the bus. One if your best friend from school days who you have not seen for 20 years. One is the man or woman of your dreams – the person you always wanted to meet. The third is a sick old lady who needs to be taken to hospital. Knowing that there is room for only one passenger in your car, what would you do?

02. The seven bells – A shop in New York is called The Seven Bells, yet it has eight bells hanging outside. Why?

03. Lost in the desert – Two men were lost in a large desert. One started walking due east and the other started walking due west. Two hours later they met. How?

04. Single-handed – How does a one-armed man change a screw-in light bulb?

05. Shoe shop shuffle – In a small town there are four shoe shops of about the same size and each carries a similar line of shoes. Yet one shop loses three times as many shoes to theft as each of the other shops. Why and how did they fix the problem?

Coloquem suas respostas nos comentários!!

Veja também

Entrevista com Paul Sloane

Lateral Thinking Quizzes, by Paul Sloane

Great Lateral Thinking Puzzles. Compre na Livraria Cultura.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. Aline:


    Let me try to answer the first question: I would not stop, because how would I recognize someone after 20 years? The man of my dream does no exists and how will I know the lady needs the hospital? Call the ambulance.

    • Rayner Gomes:

      @Aline Ops. ops. ops..

      How this “You not recognizes someone after 20 year?”. I have the same face when I had 20 yeas less. LOL.

      I wont stop! Coz I never ever stop when I am driving. My wife ever stay nervous of me because this my behavior.

  2. Rayner Gomes:

    Lost in Desert.

    Because they has fallen on opposite places. So, they had been walking on reverse path.

  3. Amanda:

    Where are the answers? How do I know if I am in the correct way to answer these questions?