Archive for April, 2017
Mí na Bealtaine: May, Mothers, Memorial, Mint Juleps, and Macaroons! Posted by róislín on Apr 30, 2017

(le Róislín) OK, so what do all those words in the title have in common besides, starting with the letter “M” in English? Well, May, Mothers and Memorial (in the U,S.) are a shoo-in — holidays (laethe saoire) during the month of May (mí na Bealtaine). So are Macaroons and Mint Juleps. Maybe I should…
Children’s Books in Irish by Gwyneth Wynn: References, Links, and Vocabulary (pt. 3 of 3) Posted by róislín on Apr 28, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, we’ve recently been looking at stories about ainmhithe (béar, madra, leon, broc, srl.), plandaí (crainn mhóra, crann beag), and an aimsir (an bháisteach) in books in Irish by Gwyneth Wynn. What else makes the world go round? How about draíocht (magic)? The final book in our discussion will be Clíona Cailleach, with…
Children’s Books in Irish by Gwyneth Wynn: References, Links, and Vocabulary (pt. 2) Posted by róislín on Apr 26, 2017

(le Róislín) If you’ve been following the most recent blogposts (na blagmhíreanna is déanaí, naisc thíos), then you’ve followed our discussion of Micí, Teidí, Beartla Broc, agus An Crann Beag, in books by Irish- and Welsh-speaking author/illustrator Gwyneth Wynn. Today we’ll briefly recap the background and move on to discuss one or two of her…
Children’s Books in Irish by Gwyneth Wynn: References, Links, and Vocabulary (pt. 1) Posted by róislín on Apr 22, 2017

(le Róislín) Crann agus cailleach agus broc, báisteach ar lá atá “breá” in intinn carachtar amháin, agus eachtraí Mhicí ar lorg an leoin agus sa bportach. These are some of the keywords describing Gwyneth Wynn’s children’s books. Our last two blogposts looked specifically at the two books about Micí (an madra) agus Teidí (an béar). …
Leabhar Eile le Gwyneth Wynn: Micí agus an Rí (Another Mini Irish Glossary) Posted by róislín on Apr 19, 2017

(le Róislín) In the most recent blog (nasc thíos), we looked at Gwyneth Wynn’s charming Micí ar an bPortach (1998) and provided a glossary of some of the interesting Irish vocabulary words contained in the book. Most of the entries had to do with digging, drying and “footing” turf. Today, we’ll look at another book…
An Irish Vocabulary Guide for Gwyneth Wynn’s ‘Micí ar an bPortach’ Posted by róislín on Apr 16, 2017

(le Róislín) One of my favorite Irish children’s books is Micí ar an bPortach by Gwyneth Wynn (An Gúm, 1998, ISBN 1-85791-226-8). Since some of you might also enjoy reading it, I thought I supply a little glossary to go with the story. While most of the vocabulary is pretty basic, there are some words…
A Vocabulary Comparison: ‘Spot the Puppy’ (English) and ‘Bran an Coileán’ (Irish) Posted by róislín on Apr 12, 2017

(le Róislín) Translations are hardly ever word for word or exactly literal. Languages are too idiomatic for most literal translations to flow well. We might expect this especially in songs, poetry and the Classics. But I thought it would interesting to look at a fairly simple text, and one that’s a lot of fun for…