Archive for July, 2018
Orduimhreacha i nGaeilge: Ordinal Numbers in Irish Posted by róislín on Jul 12, 2018

(le Róislín) One, two, three vs. first, second, third. A haon, a dó, a trí vs. an chéad, an dara / an dóú, an tríú. Ever notice how in both English and Irish, the word for “first” is totally different from the word for “one” (one/first, aon or haon but céad or chéad)? Learners of English…
Irish Words for ‘Potato’: Práta, Fata, Préata Posted by róislín on Jul 8, 2018
(le Róislín) You may have heard the tune, “The Garden Where The Praties Grow”. Ever wonder why it’s not, “The Garden Where The Spuds Grow,” since “spuds” is another popular nickname for potatoes in Ireland? We may not have the answer to the “spuds” aspect of the question, but we can at least discuss the…