(le Róislín)
As promised, here’s a selection of occupations and a selection of short statements to go with them. If you’ve been studying “an chopail” in Irish, you’ll recognize the structures that link the subject (mé, tú, é, í, etc.) to the “predicate subject” (which here would be the occupational term itself): Is dochtúir mé (I am a doctor) and “Is mé an dochtúir” (I am the doctor). The first is indefinite (a doctor); the second is definite, more specific (the doctor). Translations, in order, appear below.
ab: Is é an t-ab é.
abhcóide [ow-koh-djeh]: Is abhcóide é.
ban-ab: Is í an bhan-ab í.
bearbóir [ByAR-ub-ohrzh, note the middle syllable]: Is bearbóir é.
ceantálaí: Is í an bhean sin an ceantálaí.
ceithearnach [KYEH-hern-ukh]: Ní bhíodh capall ag an gceithearnach.
dearnadóir: Tá fios ag an dearnadóir faoin todhchaí.
dlíodóir [DJLEE-uh-dorzh]: Cén sórt duine a bhí i ndlíodóir Fhilideilfia? (Ba dhuine géarchúiseach é nó í.)
eacnamaí: Ba cháiliúil an t-eacnamaí é Kenneth Galbraith.
eitleoir: Is é an t-eitleoir é.
fealsúnaí: Ba cháiliúil an fealsúnaí é Platón.
file [FIH-leh]: Is file iontach é Seamus Heaney.
gruagaire: Tá an-eolas ar fhaisean ag an ngruaigaire.
grúdaire: Bíonn an grúdaire ag obair sa ghrúdlann.
(not many to choose from beginning with “h,” which is rare as an initial letter in Irish, so please forgive the relative obscurity!)
haitéir: An mbíonn an haitéir chomh mear le míol Márta? (Bíonn / ní bhíonn)
halbardóir: Bíonn halbard ag an halbardóir. Cineál airm atá i gceist; ciallaíonn halbard “bill-hook” (“bileog”) freisin. Tá dhá chineál de bhileoga ann – arm agus uirlis bhearrtha.
iascaire: Is é an t-iascaire é.
iasceolaí: An iasceolaí é “Matt Hooper” (Richard Dreyfuss) sa scannán Gialla. (‘Sea / Ní hea)
That’s about the first half of the alphabet, níos mó níos moille!
Aistriúcháin: abbot, advocate/counsel, abbess, barber, auctioneer, kern/foot-soldier, palmist, lawyer, economist, flyer, philosopher, poet, hairdresser, brewer, milliner/hatter, halberdier, fisherman, ichthyologist
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