Here are some interesting phrases for describing the taste of Guinness, giving us some new ways to combine Irish vocabulary words. I’ve translated all of them from fan discussions I’ve found online. There’s a glossary “ag bun an bhlag” and some pronunciation notes are given:
1) bainne seacláide na mbeoracha [… nuh MYOR-ukh-uh]
2) stéig i ngloine [shtayg ing LIN-yeh]
3) searbh ach go pléisiúrtha [SHAR-uv ahkh guh PLAY-shoor-huh]
4) domhain, múisiúnta, searbh
5) Tá anáil aoibhneasa ann [… uh-NAW-il EEV-nuss-uh …]
agus an ceann is fearr liom (my favorite)
6) Neamh i bhfoirm leachtach, or, to condense the original phrase, simply “Neamh leachtach”
Of course, one could simply go with “blasta” (tasty) or “so-bhlasta” (delicious, lit. “easy to taste” or “good-tasty;” remember, that “bh” is pronounced like a “v”). Which reminds me that years ago I learned a phrase about “Is blasta an t-ól é an bainne” but I don’t remember if it was part of a longer piece or simply a linguistic exercise. An cuimhin le duine ar bith é? Anyone remember that? Or have any other suggestions, i mBéarla nó i nGaeilge? If you suggest a phrase i mBéarla, either your comhléitheoirí or I will work up an aistriúchán Gaeilge. Assuming it’s reasonably so-aistrithe (readily translatable). Scríobh moltaí ar bith sa bhosca “comments” ag, le do thoil.
leann dubh, stout (the beverage), lit. “black ale”
seacláide, of chocolate
na mbeoracha, of the beers
stéig (steak) The fact that this can also mean “intestine” is, thankfully, irrelevant here, but at least there’s another word for “intestine” you can use to avoid confusion. Or to sort of avoid confusion. The other word for “intestine” is “putóg,” which also has another meaning, “pudding,” but only the “black” and “white” kind, not the “chocolate” or “vanilla” kind. As for the putóg bhán (white pudding) and putóg dhubh (black pudding), they’re basically types of sausage, typically served at bricfeasta at an Irish B & B.
domhain, deep
múisiúnta, musty (hey, ní mo chur síos [description] féin a bhí ann – seo aistriúchán [translation]!)
searbh, bitter
anáil, breath
aoibhneasa, of sweetness
Neamh, Heaven
leachtach, liquid (mar aidiacht, “leacht” an t-ainmfhocal).
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