Deireadh Fómhair agus Frásaí Eile le “Deireadh” Posted by róislín on Sep 30, 2011 in Irish Language
(le Róislín)
October, according to its Irish meaning, is the “month of the end of the harvest.” But the word “deireadh” has several other meanings and many other applications. Here’s a little sampler, and also a little mix and match, where you’ll need to determine whether to use “deireadh,” (the basic form), dheireadh, ndeireadh, or deiridh. Aistriúcháin thíos, faoi fhreagraí na gceisteanna eile.
deireadh seachtaine: Cad a rinne tú ar an deireadh seachtaine?
go deireadh: ó thús go deireadh
faoi dheireadh: Tháinig an litir faoi dheireadh
bulcaid deiridh [I’ll let you mull over your own “sampla” for that one, mar ní mairneálach mé!)
clib dheiridh (téarma ríomhaireachta): Tá an chlib dheiridh ar iarraidh.
dáta deiridh: Cad é an dáta deiridh?
deicín deiridh: I was going to skip over “deic dheiridh,” just because I thought we had enough examples, but I couldn’t resist “deicín deiridh.” You’ll probably see why from the translation below.
And for good measure, a seanfhocal, mar ní sháraítear iad!
Deireadh gáire gol. (Note: no verb is needed in this saying).
Agus anois, focail le meaitseáil (freagraí, A, thíos):
1.. cosa __ 2.. siar go __ 3.. Mol a __. 4.. i __ a nirt 5.. crann __
a) ndeireadh b) deiridh c) dheireadh d) deiridh e) deireadh
By the way, there is a caveat lookalike word: deireadh can also be a verb form, completely unrelated to all of the above. Barúil agat cé acu briathar? Leid: Is ceann de na briathra neamhrialta é. Freagra (B) thíos
Gluais: cé acu, which (lit. which “of them,” but the “of them” part doesn’t really flow with most English translations); gáire, laughter; gol, weeping, lamenting; mairneálach, mariner; neacht, niece; neamhrialta, irregular; neart, strength (nirt, of strength); nia, nephew; seanfhocal, proverb.
Freagraí: 1b) cosa deiridh, hind legs; 2e) siar go deireadh, all the way to the end, lit. “west/back to (the) end; 3c) Mol a dheireadh, praise it (from, according to) its result; 4a) i ndeireadh a nirt, at the end of his/her strength; 5b) crann deiridh, mizzen-mast
Freagra (B): deireadh, ón mbriathar “abair,” tríú pearsa, uatha, aimsir ghnáthchaite. Which essentially says it means (he/she/it) “used to say.” For this verb form, “deir” is the core, and the “-eadh” is the typical ending for something which happened continually in the past.
deireadh seachtaine, weekend: What did you do on the weekend?
go deireadh, to (the) end: from beginning to end
faoi dheireadh, finally: The letter finally came.
bulcaid deiridh, afterpeak bulkhead
clib dheiridh, an end tag (in computing); lenited because “clib” (tag, tab) is feminine. The end tag is missing. I hope that example satisfies any cláraitheoirí out there – clibeanna deiridh aren’t my usual “ábhar cainte”!
dáta deiridh, closing date: What’s the closing date?
deicín deiridh, monkey poop (small deck on a boat – see how the Irish is so much more straightforward: deic, a deck; deicín, a little deck. None of that nautical monkey business about jackets and balls (brass) and suchlike. Well, if those don’t ring familiar, brush up on your Melville or some other 19th-century sailor-author. And btw, this isn’t the ‘monkey poop’ celebrated in A. J. Jacobs curious account of reading all the volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica (The Know-It-All: One’s Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2004). When he talks about “monkey poop,” with his nianna and neachtanna, no less, he really does mean eiscréid ó mhoncaithe. And just for the sake of completion, deic dheiridh is the “poop deck” itself.
An seanfhocal: Deireadh gáire gol, laughter brings tears, lit. (the) end of laughter (is) crying.
Well, sin deireadh an bhlag seo. SGF – Róislín

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