Tag Archives: Afraic
How to Say ‘North Korea’ and ‘South Korea’ in Irish, and Some Other ‘North/South’ Combinations Posted by róislín on Feb 21, 2018

(le Róislín) The Irish for “Korea” is “Cóiré,” one of relatively few words in Irish that end in with a long “é.” Of the few others, there are “finné” and “inné” but most of the rest are direct adaptations from either English (e.g. giúiré, libhré) or Greek (e.g. Antaiginé, Circé) or other languages (e.g. bailé…
Leabhar Eile le Gwyneth Wynn: Micí agus an Rí (Another Mini Irish Glossary) Posted by róislín on Apr 19, 2017

(le Róislín) In the most recent blog (nasc thíos), we looked at Gwyneth Wynn’s charming Micí ar an bPortach (1998) and provided a glossary of some of the interesting Irish vocabulary words contained in the book. Most of the entries had to do with digging, drying and “footing” turf. Today, we’ll look at another book…
Ag seinm uirlisí ceoil, ó alpchorn go xileafón (Alpenhorn to Xylophone in Irish): Pt. 3: Pianó go siotar AGUS siotár Posted by róislín on Mar 25, 2015
(le Róislín) Time for cuid a trí of our musical instrument series. And yes, it will eventually end with “x,” not “z,” since I don’t see any musical instruments that start with a “z” in Irish. No, not even the “zither.” There is an Irish word for “zither” (buíochas le Dia, a déarfadh Anton Karas…