Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: buntáta

Speaking of ‘Nite, Bruite, is Ite’ (and who can prepare and eat potatoes the fastest) Posted by on Nov 9, 2013

le Róislín First, let me say, that no, although three-part titles like “Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka” and “Snipp, Snapp, Snurr” are running wildly through my head as I write this, the three words “nite,” “bruite,” and “ite” are not three characters from children’s books.   They are, as I mentioned in my last blog, rangabhálacha caite…

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Nite, Bruite, is Ite — Na Prátaí (aka Fataí), That Is! Posted by on Nov 5, 2013

(le Róislín) While potatoes are a popular food year round and worldwide, they are especially popular at this time of year in the U.S. with Lá Altaithe approaching.   This is one of few times, at least i mo thaithí féin, when more than one kind of práta is typically served with a meal. In Ireland…

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