Tag Archives: candy
Puzal Fuascailte agus Litreacha Doiléire Doléite Léite: A Puzzle Solved and Fuzzy Unreadable Letters Read, Plus Some Irish Cooking Vocabulary Posted by róislín on Dec 22, 2017

(le Róislín) First, let me say that as far as cooking vocabulary goes, this blogpost is very specific to discussing “craiceann criostalaithe,” so general cooking vocabulary (like “bruith,” meaning “cook,” “bake,” “boil,” and “grill”) will have to wait for another blogpost. If that’s a topic you’d like to see discussed further, please do write in…
To Be or To Wear: Which Irish Verb for Halloween Costumes (agus éadaí go ginearálta) Posted by róislín on Oct 22, 2016
(le Róislín) The Irish language offers two main verbs for saying you are wearing an item of clothing. One is the verb “to be,” combined with the word “on,” essentially saying “A hat is on me,” for “I am wearing a hat.” The second is the verb “caith,” which can literally mean “wear,” but which…
Téarmaí Oíche Shamhna: Cineálacha Cultacha (Halloween Terms: ‘Kinds of Costumes’ in Irish) Posted by róislín on Oct 6, 2016
(le Róislín) By early October, the maisiúcháin and cultacha are already in full force sna siopaí. Céard atá pleanáilte agatsa faoi choinne Oíche Shamhna? We’ve talked about cultacha (costumes) previously in this blog, but this would be a good time to review some of the traditional ones. And to find out if you’ve got any…
Feabhra na bhFéilte ‘s na bhFeiseanna (February Holidays and Festivals) Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2013
(le Róislín) These days we can find a special day to celebrate practically every item, product, or concept imaginable, from cheese-rolling (at Cooper’s Hill, England), wife-carrying (originally Finland, now international, including Newry, Maine, and locations in Wisconsin and Michigan), the Idiotarod [sic!] (various locations), and “Punch Your Neighbor Day” in Bolivia. But for a mí…