Tag Archives: Chéinia
Trucail Chrochta agus Trucailí Crochta: Another ‘Truck’ Term in Irish Posted by róislín on May 31, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, I thought I was finished with dump trucks and the like when I came across one more related term in Irish, with a very interesting structure to boot — trucail chrochta, a tip-truck, which apparently is an Australian English word for a tipper or tipper lorry. A Astrálacha ar an liosta seo…
Aistriúchán den Chomhrá le Nola, An Srónbheannach (A Translation of the Irish Dialogue with Nola)–Cuid 1/2 Posted by róislín on Dec 3, 2015
(le Róislín) Usually I write these blogs bilingually, but the imaginary conversation with Nola, the 4th-last Northern White Rhinoceros in the world, took on a life of its own in Irish. So, for the benefit of newcomers to the language, I’ll do an interlinear translation here, with some vocabulary notes and pronunciation interspersed. This blog…
Comhrá (samhlaitheach) le Nola, an Srónbheannach: An Imaginary Conversation in Irish with Nola, The Rhinoceros Posted by róislín on Nov 23, 2015
(le Róislín) Amidst the many catastróif that seem to be happening lately, I was also saddened to learn of the death of Nola, an srónbheannach bán tuaisceartach a bhí ina cónaí i San Diego Zoo Safari Park ó 1989. Of course, she probably lived longer in captivity than she would have in the wild…