Tag Archives: Chicago
Séimhiú agus Urú agus an Áit inar Rugadh Thú (Saying Where You Were Born in Irish) Posted by róislín on Jul 28, 2018

(le Róislín) Since we’ve recently been talking about how to say where you were born, I thought a little more practice might be welcome. The graphic above shows a variety of combinations of place names, Irish and non-Irish, and the changes that occur when you use the word “in” with the place names. Remember, the…
Beoir: Uaine nó Glas nó Ceachtar? (Beer: Green/Uaine or Green/Glas or Neither?) Posted by róislín on Mar 22, 2013
(le Róislín) Our last blog primarily covered the actual history of St. Patrick and his name. This blog will take a lighter-hearted look at some St. Patrick’s Day imagery, namely the much-maligned-but-nevertheless-consumed green beer. I’m refraining from value judgments on the topic (unlike many of the online commentators!), but am primarily interested in whether people…
Saying Where You’re From “i nGaeilge” Posted by róislín on Jun 2, 2009
The terms “Gael-Mheiriceánaigh,” “Gael-Cheanadaigh,” and “Gael-Astrálach,” discussed on May 28 and earlier, account for a large percentage of the Irish diaspora, outside the U.S. Now to get more specific. Two North American groups who could have many members wishing to identify themselves in Irish are the Nova Scotians and the Newfoundlanders. In each case…
Lá Fhéile Pádraig! Posted by róislín on Mar 12, 2009
(le Róislín) As you might have guessed, the title phrase above means “St. Patrick’s Day,” a good time for launching this “blag nua” (new blog). Remember that in pronunciation, the “fh” of the word “Fhéile” is completely silent. For that reason, you sometimes see the phrase written as “Lá ‘Éile Pádraig,” dropping the “fh” entirely. …