Tag Archives: cú
An bhfuil peata agat? Talking about Pets in Irish: Madraí (Dogs) Posted by róislín on Jul 18, 2017

(le Róislín) So, finally back to actual “peataí,” after some detours talking about sróna, nathracha (an mamba dubh), agus bia Meicsiceach (enchilada fada); naisc thíos. We had left off with cait agus piscíní, and now, not surprisingly, we’ll start with an madra (the dog). Or as some say, “an gadhar, “which also means “the dog.” …
Cineálacha eolaithe (síceolaí agus bitheolaí, mar shampla … agus mar nuafhocal–*Pottereolaí) Posted by róislín on Jul 31, 2014
(le Róislín) Ó “agraimeitéareolaí” go “zó-eolaíocht” tá a lán téarmaí leis na foircinn “-eolaí” agus “-eolaíocht” sa Ghaeilge. To back up, just as English has many “-ologists” and “-ologies,” Irish has many words based on “eolaí” (scientist) and “eolaíocht” (science), all related to an even more basic word, “eolas.” You might recognize “eolas” from phrases…
Ascaill, Axilla, Armpit — Who Says Irish Doesn’t Have Many Cognates with English? (Cuid a hAon/Pt. 1) Posted by róislín on Apr 24, 2013
(le Róislín) Often students in my ranganna Gaeilge will say that one of the reasons that Irish seems hard is that words seem very unfamiliar, unrelated to other languages they know, and there’s very little to jog one’s memory. A basic example would be “madra” for “dog.” It’s short and straightforward enough in and of…
Ainmhithe Eile (ón Iolra go dtí an tUatha, from Plural to Singular) Posted by róislín on Sep 12, 2012
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we created a chart with the names of various types of ceathairchosaigh chrúbacha (ungulate quadrupeds), going from the plural form to the singular form. Why an t-iolra go dtí an t-uatha? Just for a change of pace, is dócha. So often we see an fhoirm uatha first, and then…
Fáilte na Madraí Roimh Lennox (The Dogs’ Welcome to Lennox): Aistriúchán go Béarla (i gcodanna, cuid 1/3) Posted by róislín on Jul 18, 2012
(le Róislín) As we come to the end of ár dtuairisciú of saga brónach Lennox, an madra ó Bhéal Feirste, this blog will include a couple of installments with a side-by-side English translation of the dogs’ dialogue. The full original is at https://blogs.transparent.com/irish/failte-na-madrai-roimh-lennox-the-dogs-welcome-to-lennox/. Even though the comhrá itself is, ar ndóigh, imaginary, I’ve tried to make…