Tag Archives: dathanna
Irish Words ending with ‘-íceach’ and sometimes ‘-ícigh’ or ‘-ící’ – dosaen fada díobh Posted by róislín on Aug 29, 2018

(le Róislín) From “-icí” [IK-ee] to “-ící” [EEK-ee]! In the last blogpost (nasc thíos) we looked at some Irish words ending in “-icí,” either in their basic structure, like “dicí” or “soinicí” or in an inflected form, like “picnicí,” “gúsnaicí,” or “ceimicí.” Today we’ll look at a few Irish words ending in “-íceach,” which in…
Dathanna Dhuilleoga an Fhómhair: The Colors of the Autumn Leaves (in Irish) Posted by róislín on Nov 6, 2017

(le Róislín) Cé mhéad dath a fheiceann tú anseo? How many colors do you see here? Agus cé na dathanna a fheiceann tú anseo? And what colors do you see here? As you can see from the graphic above, today’s topics will be dathanna agus duilleoga. Let’s start with the word for “color” itself (dath)…
Irish Phrases and Idioms Using ‘Red,’ ‘White,’ and ‘Blue’ (Dearg, Bán, Gorm), pt. 2 Posted by róislín on Jun 26, 2016
(le Róislín) Most recently, we looked at the Irish for “red” (dearg) inspired by the timely red, white and blue color schemes one sees a lot around this time of year, sna Stáit Aontaithe, ar a laghad. So that was “dearg,” and we had lots of examples: Clóicín Dearg, léine dhearg, cuiríní dearga, báid dhearga…
An Dearg, An Bán, agus An Gorm (The Red, White, and Blue) Posted by róislín on Jun 17, 2013
(le Róislín) The time has come to talk … of bratacha (flags). In the United States, at this time of year, we segue from Lá Cuimhneacháin (Luan deireanach mhí na Bealtaine) to Lá na Brataí (14 Meitheamh) to Lá (na) Saoirse (4 Iúil). All three offer up an abundance of sraoilleáin de ribíní (ribbon-streamers) and stiallbhratacha …
Ceiliúradh Lá na Saoirse sna Stáit Aontaithe (Independence Day) Posted by róislín on Jul 7, 2009
(le Róislín) Here are some of na himeachtaí (the events) that typically happen ar Lá na Saoirse: 1. Beárbaiciú: borgairí, brocairí teo, borgairí soighe do na veigeatóirí Curiously, at least to me, the Irish for “hot dog” isn’t based on the word “dog,” (which would be “madra”), but on “brocaire” (a terrier). 2…