Tag Archives: dubh
Nature Words in Irish, pt. 4: blackberry, budgerigar/parakeet, buttercup (and bluebell in review) Posted by róislín on Sep 30, 2019

(le Róislín) Continuing our list of nature words in Irish, today’s blog will cover the following: blackberry, budgie/budgerigar/parakeet, and buttercup, with a nod back to “bluebell,” which was the first subject treated in this series. Is é sin le rá, déanfaidh muid na “b-anna.” Tá “acorn” (dearcán) agus “almond” (almóinn) déanta againn cheana féin. BTW…
Irish ‘Fill in the Blanks’ for ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ (Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag) (cuid/part 1 of 2) Posted by róislín on Dec 28, 2017

(le Róislín) What kind of bird (cén sórt éin) is that in the tree? And what kind of tree (cén sórt crainn) is it? How would you fill in the phrase “sé __ __ __ ag breith“? And what are those píobairí and drumadóirí doing ar an 11ú lá agus an 12ú lá den Nollaig? …
Three Ways to Say “Keeping Your Nose to the Grindstone” in Irish without Using the Words for “Nose” or “Grindstone” – Is é sin a rá, cora cainte atá difriúil ar fad i bhfoclaíocht ach mar a gcéanna (beagnach) i gciall Posted by róislín on Aug 31, 2017

(le Róislín) In the most recent blogpost (nasc thíos), we did some discussion of noses (sróna) and grindstones (clocha líofa), which led to an interesting vocabulary work-out. In today’s post, we’ll actually look at some more traditional ways of saying “to keep your nose to the grindstone,” none of which mention noses or grindstones. This…
Ar an 4ú, an 5ú, an 6ú agus an 7ú lá den Nollaig (birds, rings, and poultry for the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th days of Christmas) Cuid / Part 2: Some Pronunciation Tips Posted by róislín on Dec 29, 2016
(le Róislín) Our last blogpost dealt with days 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the song “Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag” (The Twelve Days of Christmas). This post, second in this mionsraith, will continue a little further with those days, looking at pronunciation. Post 3 in the mionsraith will look at what the six geese…
Ar an 4ú, an 5ú, an 6ú agus an 7ú lá den Nollaig (birds, rings, and poultry for the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th days of Christmas) Cuid/Part 1/2 Posted by róislín on Dec 27, 2016
(le Róislín) Now that we’ve got three of the twelve verses under our belt, céard faoi dornán níos mó? Today’s blogpost will cover some phrases from days 4, 5, 6 and 7 of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” (Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag). Earlier in this blog, we’ve dealt with other aspects of this famous song…
How to say ‘Bearded Bornean Pig’ in Irish Posted by róislín on Sep 6, 2016
(le Róislín) Bhuel, one might first ask, “Why say Bearded Bornean Pig” in Irish? To which my response would be, why not? It’ll give us a chance to practice the words “pig,” “bearded” (+ “beard”), and Bornean (+ Borneo). Plus, we used an illustration of these impressive-looking swine in the last blog (nasc thíos), on…
Speaking of ‘Féasóga’ — What Color Is His ‘Féasóg’ in Irish? Posted by róislín on Jun 12, 2015
(le Róislín) Lately we’ve been talking a lot about dath gruaige in Irish, including the following: rua, fionnrua, órdhonn, donn, dubh, fionn, liath, and even, as in bréagfholt Phyllis Diller, gorm). We also practiced saying someone “has” a certain color hair in Irish. Remember, to say the person “has” that color hair, we don’t use…