Tag Archives: February
Cineálacha Béar agus Cineálacha Beár (Irish Words for Types of Bears and Types of Bars) (Cuid/Pt. 1/2) Posted by róislín on Feb 28, 2018

(le Róislín) We recently looked at “Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBéar Bán” (International Polar Bear Day) celebrated every year on February 27th, and I hope that thinking about that day gave you some paws (ermm, oops, should be “pause” – groan / duck) for thought about what is happening to “gnáthóg na mbéar bán” (the habitat…
You’ve Gotta Have ‘Croí’ (Heart): Irish Terms and Expressions from ‘heart-ache’ to ‘heart-whole’ Posted by róislín on Feb 5, 2015
(le Róislín) Feabhra … mí leannán … mí Lá Vailintín … agus a lán mothúchán eile bunaithe ar ár gcroí. So let’s take a closer look at this word “heart,” in its basic Irish form and in some loving or love-lorn expressions. First the basics: an croí [un krrree, with a nice flapped Irish “r,”…
Beirt Naomh Mhí na Feabhra: Naomh Bríd agus San Vailintín Posted by róislín on Feb 3, 2014
(le Róislín) Irish has two words for “saint.” I wonder if any other language is similar in this regard, but for now, we’ll just look at the two Irish words, “naomh” and “san.” For most purposes, they are not interchangeable. February celebrates both “Naomh Bríd” and “San Vailintín,” so let’s look at why they have…
Feabhra na bhFéilte ‘s na bhFeiseanna (February Holidays and Festivals) Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2013
(le Róislín) These days we can find a special day to celebrate practically every item, product, or concept imaginable, from cheese-rolling (at Cooper’s Hill, England), wife-carrying (originally Finland, now international, including Newry, Maine, and locations in Wisconsin and Michigan), the Idiotarod [sic!] (various locations), and “Punch Your Neighbor Day” in Bolivia. But for a mí…
Féilte agus Laethanta Saoire agus Ócáidí Speisialta i Mí Feabhra Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2012
(le Róislín) For a relatively short month, February is sure packed full of holidays. Here are some dates and some themes. Can you match them up? Since writing the dates in the standard “orduimhir” form would lessen the “dúshlán,” I’ve written them out in full and the key to the numbers is given below, with…
Feabhra: Mí an Chroí i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain (February: Heart Month) Posted by róislín on Feb 2, 2012
(le Róislín) Nach deas an neas-suíomh é: Feabhra mar “Mhí an Chroí” (i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain) agus Feabhra mar mhí do leannáin (lovers) go ginearálta, mar gheall ar Lá Vailintín. I’ve actually been poking around online trying to find out what year February as American Heart Month started, but gan éifeacht (to no avail…
Cé Mhéad Lá sa Mhí? (How Many Days in the Month?) Posted by róislín on Jan 20, 2012
(le Róislín) A reader recently posted a question about how to say how many days a month has. Bhuel, ar mhaith leatsa na bearnaí sa chairt seo a lionadh isteach ? Oh, and dála an scéil, the months in this chart are not in chronological order. Don’t want it to be too much of a giveaway!…