Tag Archives: gráím
Deich nDóigh (10 Ways) le ‘I Love You’ a Rá i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Feb 8, 2013
(le Róislín) So, Irish has lots of ways to say “I love you,” but most of them don’t involve the verb “to love.” How is that supposed to work? Bhuel, with lots of téarmaí ceana (terms of endearment)! In other words, you mostly use nouns to say that someone is your sweetheart, your darling, your…
An Briathar “Gráigh!” (Love!) i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Feb 14, 2011
(le Róislín) The more I look into it, the more unusual features this verb seems to have. Interesting, and a bit complex, especially because of overlapping forms and near homonyms that are actually antonyms. Good news? It’s not used nearly as much as the forms we’ve recently gone over, especially “Mo ghrá thú.” So if you…